Nancy Drew Files – Case 22 – The Clue in the Crumbling Wall by Carolyn Keene

rattled down at the girls’ feet.

“They’re wrecking this lovely wall!” George

whispered indignantly.

Just then a decorative ledge in the alcove came

loose and threatened to crash to the flagstone

floor. Quickly Nancy stepped forward and caught

the slab. With Bess’s help, she laid it carefully on

the ground.

Nancy straightened up and gasped as she

looked at the wall niche. Where the ledge had

been, a long, narrow pocket was now exposed!

Nancy ran her hand into the dark opening.

Her groping fingers touched something cold and


A metal box!

“Nancy!” George warned in a whisper.

Directly above the girl’s hand a stone chisel was

poking through the wall. In another moment the

men would succeed in making a large opening

into the niche!

Nancy drew out the flat metal box, then the

three girls turned and fled through the cloister

toward the castle. The sound of the men working

gradually died away.

“We’re safe!” Nancy exclaimed. “Now let’s

open the box!”

Her hands trembled with excitement as she

lifted the lid of the rusty container.

“Hm!” said George. “Only papers and photo-


Bess, too, was disappointed. “There’s nothing

valuable here I And after all our trouble, too!”

“Let’s not be too hasty,” Nancy advised, and

lifted out the top photograph carefully. Yellowed

with age, it showed a middle-aged man in old-

fashioned clothes. At the bottom was scrawled the

name “Ira Heath,” and a date.

Nancy was about to hand the picture to George

when a detail of the man’s clothing attracted her

attention. A watch chain which hung from Mr.

Heath’s vest pocket had an unusual charm at-

tached to it!

“Look at this!” she said. “I saw the very same

charm at Sam Weatherby’s curio shop. Daniel

Hector sold it to him along with some other


“You’re kidding!” Bess exclaimed.

“No. Hector told Mr. Weatherby the jewelry

was from his own family.”

“That certainly sounds suspicious,” George

said, reaching for another photograph. She held

up the picture of a sweet-faced woman, wearing a

long gown and upswept hair. An inscription

identified her as Heath’s wife, Ida.

“Her earrings!” Nancy said. “Hector sold those

to Mr. Weatherby, too!”

“He has been robbing the estate!” Bess de-


There were more pictures in the box, but none

were of particular interest to the girls. Under-

neath the pile was a small leather-bound diary.

The flyleaf bore Walter Heath’s name, and the

dates of many of the notations showed they had

been made less than a month before his death.

“This may be the most valuable thing in this

box!” Nancy remarked, skimming through the

book. Many of the pages were blank, but under

one date was an item important enough to read


“I stumbled upon something which may prove

to be a treasure. In the salted pond there are

many marine mollusks placed there by my father.

They not only have beautiful shells, but their

glands give off a purple dye. I am mixing it with

certain chemicals and so far have produced six

shades of purple dye. But the color does not last.

I will keep trying for a perfect formula.”

“I wonder it he did perfect it and what became

of the formula,” Bess mused.

“Good question,” said George.

Nancy turned more pages in the diary. “Here’s

something,” she said. “Listen to this:

” ‘I don’t trust the new chauffeur Biggs. Have

decided to hide all the bottles of dye until my ex-

periments are complete.’ ”

“Does it say where he hid them?” George asked.

“Read the next page.”

“There’s nothing more. This is the last para-

graph in the book.”

“What a shame!”

“Maybe we’ll find other clues when we read the

entire diary,” Nancy said. “But there’s no time


“I’ll say there isn’t!” George agreed. “Sh! We’d

better duck out of here and fast!”

From just across the stone barrier came the

barking of a dog. Voices were audible, and each

moment they grew louder. The two men were


“How about looking on the opposite side of

this wall?” one of them asked.

“Okay,” the other man replied. “May as well

climb over and make a good job of it while we’re

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