Nancy Drew Files – Case 22 – The Clue in the Crumbling Wall by Carolyn Keene

“I wonder where the abductor has hidden

Juliana,” Nancy said.

It was early afternoon when the Drews reached

River Heights. The lawyer said he had to stop

in his office for a couple of hours and that Nancy

could use the car in the meantime.

“I think I’ll go see Mrs. Fenimore and find out

whether she has heard the news,” Nancy decided

as she got out of the car. She drove off and turned

in the direction of the little house.

Joan and her mother were happy to see her.

They had not read the newspapers, however, and

had not heard from Daniel Hector. When Nancy

told them about the article, Mrs. Fenimore be-

came excited.

“You mean my sister has really been found?

Oh, I just can’t believe it! Where is she?”

“Mrs. Fenimore,” Nancy said, “I don’t want to

disappoint you, but I believe that the woman

Hector claims to have located is an impostor!”

“What do you mean?” Mrs. Fenimore looked


Nancy told about the result of her investiga-

tion and of her suspicion that the real Juliana had

been kidnapped.

“But that’s terrible,” Mrs. Fenimore finally

said. “It’s an unscrupulous scheme to cheat my

sister out of her inheritance, and who knows, she

might be a prisoner of Hector’s for years! We

must tell the police!”

“I wish we could,” Nancy said. “But so far I

can’t prove anything. Unless we find your sister

in time. Hector may get away with his crooked


“But I can tell if the claimant is my sister,

can’t I?”

“I don’t know whether your word against hers

would be proof enough. Anyway, I think we

should meet the dancer who claims to be Juliana.”

Joan insisted upon coming along, and soon the

three of them arrived at the Rivervicw Hotel.

“You mean Senora Fernandez?” the desk clerk

replied when Nancy inquired for the woman.

“I’ll see if she’s receiving callers.”

Mrs. Fenimore became more and more appre-

hensive as they waited. Finally the clerk told them

to go up to Room 320. They knocked and a voice

said, “Come in!”

A beautiful woman was reclining on the bed,

her back braced by several embroidered pillows.

She wore an exotic negligee which set off to ad-

vantage her dark hair and creamy white skin.

“Vera! I am so glad to see you again!” she said

and got up to embrace Mrs. Fenimore. “And this

is Joan, isn’t it?” She kissed the little girl lightly

on the cheek.

Mrs. Fenimore was so confused that for a mo-

ment she could not speak. Nancy broke the silence

by giving her name.

“Miss Drew?” the dancer looked perplexed but

only for an instant. “Yes, I believe Mr. Hector

told me about you.”

By now Mrs. Fenimore had relaxed. “Julie,

why did you go away?”

“I-I eloped with my Mexican husband.”

“But how could you desert Walter Heath?”

“I couldn’t marry him, because I didn’t love

him. But I didn’t want to hurt him either; that’s

why I disappeared.”

“But now you’ve come back to claim his for-

tune,” Nancy put in. “By the way, what are your

plans for the estate?”

“I’ll sell it. Mr. Hector has a buyer for it al-


“Then you won’t stay in River Heights?” Mrs.

Fenimore asked.

“Of course not. I have my career and my home

in Mexico.”

Mrs. Fenimore looked at the woman calmly.

“Mr. Hector won’t be able to sell the estate for

you because you are not my sister 1”

The other woman blanched. “I may have

changed in those ten years, but I can prove who

I am!”

“How?” Nancy asked quickly.

“I have all necessary identification. And I also

have this!” From beneath her pillow the dancer

brought out a torn paper. Nancy instantly knew

that it was the missing half of the note she had

found at the Heath factory. She read the words:

day the sec-

am hiding

may make me

Then I shall be

of you. Love,


Nancy did not have the other half of the note

with her, but she knew its contents by heart. The

complete message would read:

Dear C,

Someday the sec-

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