Nancy Drew Files – Case 22 – The Clue in the Crumbling Wall by Carolyn Keene

saw the intruder round the end of the drive and

flee into the darkness. Despite the thumping of

her heart, she smiled grimly.

As Nancy hurried through the house she

switched on the lights and called Hannah’s name.

She found the housekeeper gagged and tied to a

chair in the kitchen.

“Are you all right?” Nancy asked anxiously as

she released the woman.

“I’m not hurt,” Hannah said hoarsely. “But

the nerve of those two!” She added angrily, “I was

expecting you or your father, and when the bell

rang I thought one of you had forgotten your key.

I didn’t look out, just opened the door. Those

men pushed right in, turned off the lights, and

tied me up in my own kitchen!”

A few minutes later two officers arrived. Han-

nah described one intruder as tall and thin, the

other as short, stocky, and powerfully built. Both

were masked. Nancy suspected they were Cobb

and Biggs.

“They must have been watching for me,” she

said, “because they apparently knew my father

was out. Also, they were careful to park some

distance away, so I wouldn’t see a strange car in

front of the house.”

Before leaving, one of the policemen called

headquarters and arranged for a plainclothesman

to keep an eye on the Drew house that night in

case the suspects made another attempt to kidnap


Mr. Drew arrived home half an hour later. He

listened, deeply concerned, as his daughter and

the housekeeper told what had happened.

“You’re a brave and clever girl,” he said to

Nancy, “but from now on you must be extra

careful. Obviously these men are desperate to get

you off this case.”

“Someone is giving them orders,” she said. “I

have a hunch it’s Daniel Hector.”

That night Nancy lay awake long after the

others in the house were asleep. “The kidnappers

wanted to keep me from going to Heath Castle,”

she reasoned. “Surely not because of anything

I’ve seen there already. It must be because of

something else hidden in the place.”

An amazing idea struck her. Nancy could

hardly wait to call Bess and George. Early the

next morning she phoned them.

“What time is it?” Bess asked sleepily. Finally

she became awake enough to say yes to Nancy’s

request that the three girls go out to the Heath


“Okay,” Bess said, “but let’s play it safe. I don’t

want to be scared to death again.”

George was eager for the adventure. She put a

flashlight and police whistle into her pants pocket.

All three girls left notes at their homes since the

families were not yet up. Nancy added to hers,

“Please phone Lieutenant Masters where I am.

I want to follow up a hunch connected with the

mystery out there.”

When Nancy picked up the cousins in her car,

they demanded a full explanation of the day’s


“It’s my opinion that Daniel Hector or one of

his men kidnapped the real Juliana,” Nancy said.

“He’ll hold her until Senora Fernandez can estab-

lish her claim to the fortune. He’ll take the lion’s

share of it and then disappear.”

“But what does Heath Castle have to do with

it?” Bess asked. “Do you think Juliana is im-

prisoned there?”

“Yes, I do. Mr. Hector found out recently that

I was hot on the trail of the real Juliana and he

had to get her out of the way. What better hiding

place for his prisoner than the castle? Then, of

course, he’d have to keep me away from there, so

he tried to have me kidnapped.”

“Your reasoning sounds logical,” George ad-

mitted. “The crippled woman could have been

brought to the place the night she left Jardin des


At the estate Nancy and her friends scaled the

wall and dropped to the ground. As the three

made their way toward the castle, they did not

see nor hear the dogs.

“What worries me,” said Nancy, “is whether

we can get in. Of course, I have a key to the front

door, but it may have been padlocked.”

When they reached it the girls were amazed to

find the door ajar.

“Hector may be here,” Bess whispered wor-

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