Nancy Drew Files – Case 22 – The Clue in the Crumbling Wall by Carolyn Keene

In the meantime Nancy had remembered the

beautiful shells she had found in the pond. Saying

nothing to Juliana, she sent one of them to a

company in New York which specialized in mak-

ing fine mother-of-pearl jewelry. The answer

came back promptly: the firm would buy at a

good price all similar shells.

“Nancy, you’re wonderful!” exclaimed Juliana

when Nancy telephoned her about it.

The bottling company also offered financial

backing to convert part of the castle and grounds

into a health resort.

“That’s wonderful!” Juliana cried out. “Now I

can afford to turn a section of the castle and

grounds into a free vacation spot for handicapped

children, and, of course, my sister and Joan and I

will occupy some of the rooms.

“You’ve certainly changed our lives. Nancy,”

she added gratefully. “And now the Heath prop-

erty will become beautiful again!”

A year later, upon invitation, Nancy, Bess,

George, Mr. Drew, and Lieutenant Masters jour-

neyed to the estate to view the many changes. The

great gate stood open. The visitors drove up a

winding road between avenues of trimmed hedge

and trees. The three girls smiled when they re-

called how different everything had seemed to

them on their former trips there.

“It doesn’t make me feel a bit creepy now,”

Bess remarked.

“Those penetrating eyes that spied on us from

behind the evergreen,” Nancy said, “were

Hooper’s or Biggs’.”

“With Cobb Hooper in jail, what has become

of Mrs. Hooper and Teddy?” asked George.

“She’s working,” the policewoman replied.

“Teddy has been sent to a special school, where

he’s doing very well.”

The visitors got out of the car near the restored

loggia and paused to admire the repairs to the

crumbling walls. The gardens were a mass of

bloom. The lawn in front of the castle was velvety

smooth with no weeds.

“How did Juliana ever accomplish so much in

such a short time?” George asked.

Nancy replied, “She imported her gardeners

from Jardin des Fleurs.”

Bess called the girls’ attention to the children

who had come out on the lawn to play. A few

were in wheelchairs, but they pushed themselves

about with amazing skill.

“Juliana is doing remarkable work with these

youngsters,” said Lieutenant Masters. “She’s put-

ting new spirit into them. Joan is developing into

a fine little girl, too. She’s proving to be a great

help to her aunt.”

“What is she doing?” Bess asked.

“Juliana, with the help of a therapist, teaches

exercises to the children to restore nimbleness

to their bodies. Joan does the demonstrating. And

incidentally, Joan is the delight of her aunt. She’s

going to be a wonderful dancer someday.”

“And carry on from where Juliana left off,”

Bess said dreamily.

The callers were greeted cordially by the mis-

tress of Heath Castle and her sister, Mrs. Feni-

more, now restored to health and looking very

attractive with a fashionable new hairdo. Both

women thanked Bess and George tor their excel-

lent assistance to Nancy in solving the mystery.

Joan hugged Nancy and the others happily.

“Oh, come see my garden,” she exclaimed, and

showed them a small plot of beautifully tended

flowers in front of the castle.

Tea was served on the terrace. Afterward, Juli-

ana led her guests to the little garden where

Nancy had discovered the spring. Children were

playing on the shady walks.

“The water is helping to build strong bodies,”

Juliana said proudly. “Oh, it means so much to

me to bring these boys and girls here! I’d never

have forgiven myself if I had returned to a lonely

life at Jardin des Fleurs. By the way, I sold it at a

nice profit.”

Mr. Drew had been waiting for this very mo-

ment. He took a tiny box from his pocket and

slipped it into Juliana’s hand.

“A little surprise,” he explained, smiling.

The woman slowly raised the lid. Nestled in

purple velvet was a ring set with a huge pearl.

“Not the one Walt meant for me?” Juliana

asked, dazed.


“But how did you recover it? I thought Mr.

Hector had found the ring and sold it.”

“He had, but Dad was able to trace it,” Nancy

spoke up. “Mr. Hector failed to notice the in-

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