Nancy Drew Files – Case 22 – The Clue in the Crumbling Wall by Carolyn Keene

self and her mother. Wishing to spare Mrs. Feni-

more any further worry, they refrained from dis-

cussing the child’s thieving instincts in depth.

As they drove away. Nancy remarked, “It’s pos-

sible Juliana met with foul play.”

“Yes,” said Lieutenant Masters. “If that’s true,

you may find yourself up against a dangerous ad-


When the two young women walked into head-

quarters a little later, the desk sergeant said,

“You’re in luck. Miss Drew!” He held up her

stolen purse. “A patrolman found it in a trash

(an. Nothing but the money and the pearl was


Nancy was thrilled. “I’m especially glad to have

roy driver’s license and car registration back,”

she said, “and the credit cards. Please thank the

patrolman for me.”

The following day Nancy related Mrs. Feni-

more’s story to her closest friends, Bess Marvin

and George Fayne, who had dropped in. The two

girls were cousins and helped Nancy when she was

working on a mystery. Bess was blond and slightly

plump. She was less inclined toward adventure

than her spunky cousin, an attractive brunette,

who liked athletics and was proud of having a

boy’s name.

Bess said soberly, “It’s a shame about Joan and

Teddy. I’ll help you all I can with them.”

George was eager to pursue work on the mys-

tery. “What are we waiting for?” she asked. “Why

not go now and explore the castle?”

Cautiously Bess asked, “Will it be safe?”

“It won’t be easy,” Nancy warned her friends.

“I was told the undergrowth is like a jungle.

Maybe the best way to get there is by motorboat

up the Muskoka River.”

Twenty minutes later the three girls rented

a small motorboat at Campbell’s Landing. The

craft was old and the engine clattered and threw

oil, but it was the only boat available.

“Lucky we all know how to swim,” Bess said

with some misgiving as they pulled away from the

dock. “I have a feeling this old tub leaks and may

sink before we go very far.”

“We’ll be all right if George keeps busy with

the bailer!” Nancy laughed, heading the craft up-


The river was wide near town, but the upper

reaches were narrow and twisted and turned at

such sharp angles that fast travel was out of the

question. At the wheel. Nancy kept an alert

watch for shoals. Water was slowly seeping in at

the bow.

“It’s really pretty out here, but so wild.” Bess

commented, her gaze wandering along the solid

line of trees fringing the shores.

“Better forget the scenery for a while,” Nancy

advised, “and give George a hand with the bail-

ing. If you don’t, our shoes will be soaked.”

The water was coming in faster now. Both Bess

and George worked vigorously, dipping the water

and throwing it over the side.

“Listen!” Nancy said presently. “What’s that?”

Bess and George stopped bailing to look

around. They had heard no unusual sound.

“Another boat!” Nancy exclaimed as the noise

of an engine grew louder. “But where is it?”

Just then a small blue-and-white craft shot into

view from Harper’s Inlet, one of the river’s many

small hidden bays.

“Look out!” Bess cried in alarm.

The pilot in the oncoming boat seemed to be

unaware of the girls in their little craft. At high

speed he raced straight toward it. Desperately

Nancy spun the wheel. There was not enough

space to clear.

With a splintering crash the two boats collided!


A Runaway Boat

The speeding boat which had struck the girls’

craft now veered sharply away and raced down-


Meanwhile, the impact had caused Bess to lose

her balance. She hit her head on the side of the

boat and toppled into the water.

Instantly Nancy turned off the motor. If Bess

were unconscious, there was no time to lose!

George had already dived over the side. When

she located her cousin, she grasped the inert

form with her left arm and struck out with the

other for the boat. Nancy leaned over and helped

pull the unconscious Bess aboard.

“Is she-?” Nancy began.

At that moment Bess opened her eyes and

coughed several times. Nancy patted her on the

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