Nancy Drew Files – Case 95 – An Instinct for Trouble by Carolyn Keene

“When I noticed that the traps were missing,

the others divided up my chores so I could

look into it. Maybe my investigation bothered

somebody,” Brad suggested.

Nancy nodded thoughtfully. “Did you dis-

cover anything?”

Before Brad could answer, a nurse came

bustling in. Nancy could almost hear the

starch rustling in her white uniform.

“Sorry, folks. Visiting hours are over.” She

took Brad’s wrist between her fingers and

checked her watch.

The group said their goodbyes. As they left,

Nancy decided to return the next day to ques-

tion Brad further.

On the way back, Ned sat silently beside

Nancy. .She could tell he was thinking about

the professor. Jack and Bess kept up a steady

stream of conversation in the backseat, and

Nancy was glad of it.

“I have an idea,” Jack said as Nancy turned

onto the dirt road leading to the campsite.

“There’s a new little cafe with disco music in

West Yellowstone. I know Ned has to rest this

evening, but we could go dancing.”

“That sounds great,” Bess replied.

“Thanks, but I’ll pass,” Nancy said. “You

guys go without me.”

“Sure you don’t mind?” Bess asked.

Nancy shook her head.

When she parked the car. Jack climbed out,

then put his head in through the window. “I’ll

come by the hotel around eight, okay?” he said

to Bess. “If you change your mind, you can

still join us,” he added to Nancy.

“Oh, wait,” Bess called, getting out and

walking up the path after Jack. “What kind of

place is this? I need to know what to wear.”

Jack laughed and put his arm around Bess’s

shoulders. The two of them bent their heads

together and launched into an animated con-


Nancy looked over at Ned. He was sitting

very stiffly, staring straight ahead. “Are you

feeling all right?” she asked.

“I’m fine,” he said in a tense voice. But then

he added, “There’s no way Dan Trainey tam-

pered with that stove. Nancy.”

Nancy was silent, and Ned guessed the rea-

son. “You’re not listening to me, are you?”

“I’m listening,” Nancy said. “But I have to

check him out, and what Brad said makes him

a suspect.” When Ned didn’t respond, she

continued. “Of course I’m investigating every-


Nancy hoped for a goodbye kiss, but Ned

simply opened the door and walked away.

Without a word, he passed Bess as she re-

turned to the car.

“Brrr!” Bess said, climbing into the passen-

ger seat. “Did you and Ned just have a fight?”

Nancy swallowed back tears but didn’t feel

like talking on the drive back to the hotel. Bess

was quiet, too, until they turned in to the

parking lot. Then she said, “Let’s go watch Old


Nancy would have preferred to lie down

with a book, but she laughed and said, “Okay,

Old Faithful it is!”

The girls went through the lobby and fol-

lowed a path to the geyser.

“Come on,” Bess urged. “I see two spots on

that bench over there. We’d better grab them.”

They sat down and studied the center of

attention, a four-foot-high cone that looked

like a shrunken volcano. Small puffs of white

steam trailed lazily upward from it.

Suddenly there was a rumbling sound as if a

truck were passing. Water bubbled up over the

surface of the cone and shot at least a hundred

feet into the air. Finally, after two or three

minutes, the column of water slowly sank and

then vanished.

“Wow!” Bess exclaimed.

Nancy just smiled.

Touching her arm, Bess said in an under-

tone, “Look over there. See the guy with all the

camera equipment? That’s Turkower.”

Nancy saw a couple in their forties. The man

was tall, with salt-and-pepper hair and a mus-

tache. He had two expensive-looking cameras

around his neck and a leather camera bag over

one shoulder. Mrs. Turkower could have just

stepped out of a beauty salon.

“Come on, Bess,” Nancy urged. “I want to

meet them.”

The two girls strolled around the geyser and

stopped next to the Turkowers. Nancy took the

photocopied article about the marmots out of

her pocket.

“Excuse me,” she said politely. “Did you

drop this? I looked for you earlier, but you’d

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