Nancy Drew Files – Case 95 – An Instinct for Trouble by Carolyn Keene

report? It’s near the north entrance,” he con-


Nancy followed him back up the road to the

ranger station.

Once inside and settled in a chair, she

watched while Robbins filled out a report. “I

don’t suppose you got the license number?”

Nancy shook her head ruefully. “Sorry,

things happened too fast. I did notice the

words Minden Linen painted on the door of

the van. Does that mean anything to you?”

“It’s the biggest linen service in this area. All

the hotels in Yellowstone get their sheets and

towels from there. I know their chief dispatch-

er. I’ll call him,” Martin suggested.

Even though she only heard Martin’s half of

the conversation. Nancy could tell that some-

thing was wrong.

“Well?” she asked eagerly once he had hung


“One of their drivers, Bert Heckleby, missed

a couple of deliveries this morning,” Martin

replied. “He’s not answering calls on his radio


Could someone have paid Heckleby to at-

tack her? Or stolen his van?

“I get the feeling that there’s more to this

than you’re telling me,” Martin said.

Taking a deep breath. Nancy explained

everything, including the propane stove explo-

sion and the missing marmots.

Martin nodded. “Jack’s kept me up to date

on the problems, but he’s not convinced the

marmots are being poached. He thinks some-

one may be trying to sabotage the study.”

“That’s a possibility,” Nancy replied. “But

traps and tranquilizers have been stolen. That

points to poaching.”

The ranger frowned. “I did pass on word of

this to the people at the Fish and Wildlife

Service,” he said. “But there’s no telling what

they’ll do about it. I wish I could help more,

but I simply don’t have the staff.”

After Nancy told Martin that she was a

detective, he grinned and nodded apprecia-

tively. “I’d welcome any help you can give, but

be careful. Poaching is dangerous business-

especially when big money is at stake.”

“I understand that whistling marmots can

bring as much as five hundred dollars apiece

on the black market,” Nancy remarked. “If

fifty of them really were stolen, the poachers

stand to make twenty-five thousand dollars.”

Martin glanced above Nancy’s shoulder.

She turned to see Jack Billings at the open

door of the office.

He grinned at her and put a slide projector

on the table in the comer of the room. “That

ought to work now, Martin. Hey, Nancy. What

brings you here?”

“You’d better look after this girl. Jack,”

Martin cautioned. “Somebody doesn’t like

her. A guy in a van just tried to run her off the


“What? Are you serious?” Jack moved clos-

er to Nancy and put his hand on her shoulder

solicitously. “Are you okay? You want me to

drive you back to the hotel?”

“No need,” Nancy replied. “I’m on my way

to visit Brad, anyway.”

She thanked Martin and then walked out-

side with Jack. The morning sun glinted

against the dent in the side of the white rental


“You need to be more careful. Nancy. I’d

feel terrible if anything happened to you.”

“So would I,” she joked. She couldn’t help

feeling attracted to him, but the warmth and

concern she saw in his eyes made her feel

awkward. “I’ll tell Bess I saw you,” she added


“Please do. She’s a great girl,” Jack said,

smiling. “I’ll see both of you later, right?”

Nancy got into her car and drove off with

only a wave for an answer. On the way to the

hospital, she kept thinking about Jack. She

hoped Bess wasn’t getting into something

she’d regret.

* * *

Brad’s face broke into a welcoming smile

when he saw Nancy. “Hi. It’s great to see you.”

“Hi yourself,” she replied, dropping into a

chair by the bed. “How are you feeling?”

“Great! The doctor said I’ll be out of this

place in a day or two.”

“I’m glad.” Nancy leaned forward. “Listen,

Brad, I want to talk about the problems the

study’s been having. Did you find out anything

while you were investigating?”

“The professor is in real financial trouble,”

Brad replied reluctantly. “I found lots of

overdue bills in his tent. You know he’s put his

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