Nancy Drew Files – Case 95 – An Instinct for Trouble by Carolyn Keene

Nancy stepped on the brake.

Paying no attention to the car, the elk began

prancing gracefully across the road.

“Oh, Nancy, look at the babies!” Bess cried.

Nancy chuckled as a handful of little elk

wobbled awkwardly in front of the herd.

The herd stopped in a meadow on the left

side of the highway. Near the center of the

sparse grass where the creatures were grazing,

Nancy noticed a cone of gray rock about a foot

high. From its center, wisps of white steam

curled into the air.

“It’s a geyser!” Nancy exclaimed.

Bess’s jaw dropped.

“The whole park is covered with them,”

Nancy said as she started driving again.

“Which is why Yellowstone is so special.”

“I read the guidebook, too,” Bess said teas-

ingly. “The geysers are remnants of volcanoes

that erupted around here millions of years ago.

But I still can’t believe it.”

“Just wait until you see Old Faithful. It

erupts about every hour and a half. And it will

be right outside our window at the hotel,”

Nancy said.

“That’s why I wanted to stay there,” Bess


Nancy shook her head and laughed at her

friend. “You just didn’t want to camp out,

even though it would be better if we were

closer to the study group.”

“Oh, Nan, I can’t!” she moaned. “I hate

bugs, but even worse I hate sleeping on the

cold, bumpy ground.”

“Okay, okay,” Nancy said. “You convinced

me. But you may be passing up the chance to

get close to a cute Emerson guy,” she warned

her friend.

Nancy stepped on the brake at an intersec-

tion. A sign pointed right to the Grand Loop

Road and left to the inn and visitors center.

Before she could turn, a tour bus passed in

front other. She followed it in the direction of

the inn.

“It seems a bit early in the season for tour

buses,” Nancy said.

“It’s probably better to get here before the

main tourist season starts,” Bess replied. “Is

Ned meeting us at the hotel?”

“He said he’d try to. But the Emerson group

is incredibly busy right now, gearing up for the

end of this phase of the study,” Nancy ex-

plained. “If he’s not there when we arrive,

we’ll head over to the campsite after we check


The road grew steeper, and Nancy kept a

safe distance between her white rental car and

the bus in front. On the far side of the pass, the

highway ran beside a gushing river.

“That must be the hotel,” Bess said, point-

ing to the left. “Have you ever seen anything

like it in your life?”

Nancy leaned forward and saw a building

that was at least seven stories high with a

slanted roof and rows of little dormer win-

dows. Its walls were made of huge rough-cut

logs stacked one on top of the other.

“It looks like a giant birdhouse,” Nancy said

delightedly as she turned onto the road that led

to the inn and followed it to the front of the

building. Then, remembering that Ned might

be waiting for her inside, she hastily stopped

the car, turned off the ignition, and jumped


“Go on ahead. Nancy,” Bess urged with a

knowing smile. “I’ll find someone to help me

with the bags. Then I’ll park the car in the lot

over there,” she said, pointing.

Gratefully, Nancy tossed Bess the car keys,

mounted the wooden stairs, and entered the


The center of the building was an atrium

that rose all the way to the roof. Along two

sides were level after level of balconies. A huge

fireplace of gigantic lava stones dominated the

big space. Half a dozen guests sat near the fire

in old-fashioned rocking chairs. Another row

of rockers faced tall windows overlooking sev-

eral geysers. A few people were seated there,

enjoying the view. But no Ned. Nancy choked

back her disappointment.

Just then she saw Bess enter the lobby,

followed by a bellhop pulling a trolley with

Bess’s two suitcases and Nancy’s small carry-

on bag.

“Where’s Ned?” she asked when Nancy

reached her side.

Nancy shook her head. “At the campsite, I

guess. I’d like to drive over and take a look.”

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