Nancy Drew Files – Case 95 – An Instinct for Trouble by Carolyn Keene

“This looks like a big job,” Nancy com-

mented. “How long have you been at it?”

“Since first thing this morning,” he said.


Nancy acted puzzled. “No reason, except

that I thought I saw you in Gardiner this


Richard chuckled. “Must have been my

double, because I’ve been here all day.”

Nancy and Bess headed through the woods

to the campsite. Jack was beside the command

post, checking out the assignment sheet. When

he saw them, he smiled and yelled, “Well, hello


His gaze moved warmly from Nancy to Bess

and back again. Bess moved close to him and

said, “Hello yourself. It seems like ages since I

saw you. Have you been having an exciting


Nancy smothered a laugh. Bess might be

falling in love, but as promised, she was trying

to help out with the case.

“Oh, very exciting,” Jack replied, his smile

broadening. “This morning Ned and I started

packing up station four. Then came the high

point-I repaired a park service slide projec-

tor. I tell you, the life of a park ranger is full of


Bess giggled.

“Is Ned still around?” Nancy asked.

“He was up at feeding station one a while

back,” Jack told her.

“I think I’ll hike up there,” Nancy told Bess.

“Go ahead,” she replied. “I’ll stay here.”

Nancy was about halfway up the hill when

she heard a shrill whistling sound. Startled, she

stopped and looked around. It came again

from a clump of bushes about sixty feet to the

left of the path. She made her way there and

cautiously parted the scraggly branches, then

let out a cry.

Under the bushes was a wire trap just like

the one Ned had showed her the day before.

Inside was a little marmot. One of its hind legs

was caught in the door and was badly swollen.

Nancy’s first impulse was to run for help,

but she couldn’t bear to leave the suffering

creature. She knew that handling an injured

animal could be dangerous, so she took the

scarf from around her neck and wrapped it

around her hand. Even if the marmot tried to

bite her, the scarf would keep its teeth from

breaking her skin. She knelt down and opened

the door, gingerly freeing the marmot’s leg.

“There, there,” she crooned as she slowly

withdrew her hand. “You’ll be all right now.”

Just then she heard Bess’s voice shouting.

“Nancy, where are you?”

“Over here,” Nancy yelled. She shut the

cage door and stood up as Bess and Jack came

hurrying up the path.

Bess was huffing when she reached Nancy’s

side. “What happened? We heard a terrible


Jack came to a stop behind Bess. “I told her

it was a marmot,” he said.

“You’re right, it is a marmot. See? Its leg was

caught in the trap.”

“Oh, no!” Bess gasped. “Is it badly hurt?”

Jack bent down and carefully examined the

animal, then stood up, his face angry. “His

leg’s not broken, but he’s definitely hurt,” he

told them. “Let’s take him back to camp. We’ll

clean the cut and bandage it.”

“Can I help. Jack?” Bess asked, her eyes

fixed on the injured animal.

“Of course.” Jack’s face relaxed into a smile.

“With a pretty angel of mercy like you, this

little guy will recover in no time.”

“Are you coming. Nancy?” Bess asked.

Nancy shook her head. “I’m going up to the

feeding station to see if Ned’s still there.” As

she made her way up the hill, she kept thinking

about the marmot. Had the thieves overlooked

that trap when they collected the other mar-

mots, or were they starting to trap more?

When she approached the fenced-off area,

she saw Ned and Jennifer, their heads close

together, making some adjustments to one of

the time-lapse cameras. The sight made her a

little uneasy. She took a deep breath, pasted a

confident smile on her face, and called out,

“Hi, guys.”

“Nancy!” Ned dashed over and gave her a

big hug and a quick kiss.

Nancy’s spirits soared; Ned wasn’t angry

with her any longer. She turned to find Jenni-

fer watching them, a hint of challenge in her

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