Nancy Drew Files – Case 95 – An Instinct for Trouble by Carolyn Keene

Bess spun around, went to Nancy, and sat

beside her on the bed. “First you’ll tell him

you’re sorry,” she stated flatly. “Then you’ll

say that you love him. Then he’ll take you for a

moonlight drive …” Bess giggled. “And I’m

not going to say what happens after that.”

Nancy shook her head sadly. “I only wish it

could be that easy.”

Bess gave Nancy a hug. “Stop worrying. It’s

going to be fine.”

While Nancy pulled on a full-skirted blue

corduroy dress, Bess went on. “I talked to Jack

while you were napping. He’ll meet us in the

lobby at eight.”

“‘Us’?” Nancy repeated.

“Well, sure,” Bess said. “This is a group

event, you know, not a date.”

When they reached the head of the stairs,

Bess began searching through her purse. “I

forgot my compact,” she said. “I’ve got to go


“Okay,” Nancy said. “I’ll meet you in the


Jack, in worn but perfectly fitting jeans and a

red plaid shirt, was standing near the foot of

the stairs. He saw Nancy coming and gave her

a warm smile. “I called Bess after you got back

to the hotel, and she told me what happened,”

he said, concerned. “Are you all right?”

“Good as new,” Nancy said. “Bess will be

down in a minute.”

She took in the transformed lobby. All the

furniture had been cleared away from the

central area, and a small stage had been set up

near the windows. Paper lanterns dangled

from the log rafters, and bales of hay had been

placed along the walls.

“They did a great job of decorating this

place, didn’t they?” Jack said, and led the way

to a table at the edge of the dance floor. “I’m

glad you felt well enough to come. I’ve been

really looking forward to the dance,” he added

with a glance full of meaning.

“So has Bess,” Nancy replied pointedly as

she spotted her friend coming down the stairs.

Jack sprang to his feet as Bess approached.

“Hey, you look terrific!”

Bess blushed becomingly and threw in a

little curtsy.

The other tables were filling up. Two men

and a woman in matching shirts climbed up on

the stage and started tuning a guitar, fiddle,

and string bass.

A woman in a fringed leather vest joined the

trio on stage and picked up a microphone.

“Okay, folks,” she said. “We’re going to start

out real easy this evening. You don’t need a

partner for this one. Don’t be shy, just form

two long lines, gents on the left and ladies on

the right. The name of the tune is ‘Rabbit in

the Peapatch.'”

“Come on, you two,” Jack urged, springing

up. As the band launched into the rollicking

tune. Nancy saw Ned and Jennifer come in the

door. Jennifer was pulling Ned toward the two

lines of dancers.

As he passed, Ned spotted Nancy and

smiled at her tentatively. Then the dance

started, and Nancy was too busy following

the caller’s instructions to pay attention to


“This is fun!” Bess exclaimed breathlessly

when the first number ended.

Nancy smiled, but her eyes were now search-

ing for Ned. There he was, she thought, near

the stage. He was looking around, too. For

her? Taking a deep breath, Nancy crossed the


“Hi, Ned,” she said.

He didn’t say a word, only took her hand

and led her off to the far side of the fireplace.

They turned to face each other. Nancy could

hear the music start for the next dance, but the

only thing that mattered now was Ned.

He was staring down at the floor. She was

about to say something when he spoke up. “I

really lost it this afternoon,” he said, his brown

eyes shining. “I’m sorry. Nan. You know I

didn’t mean those things I said.”

“Of course I do,” Nancy responded. “I said

things I didn’t mean, too, and I’m sorry. I

really do understand the way you feel about

Professor Trainey. It’s just that-”

“It’s just that you’re too good a detective not

to follow up on all the evidence you find, no

matter where it leads,” he finished. “And I

wouldn’t want you any different.”

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