Nancy Drew Files – Case 95 – An Instinct for Trouble by Carolyn Keene

at the map.

As she recited everything, beginning with

the incident at the falls and ending with the

conversation she’d overheard between Trainey

and Gerald Turkower, Martin’s frown deep-

ened. “You’ve been busy. And it looks like

you’re making progress flushing these charac-

ters out.” He crossed his arms and said slowly,

“But from what you say, you’ve haven’t got

enough proof for me to move on.” He went

behind his desk and sat down, then gestured

toward a chair.

“I know that,” Nancy said, sitting down.

“That’s why I’m moving to the Emerson camp-

site today. From what Trainey said on the

phone, I think the missing marmots are going

to be shipped out tonight, and I’m pretty sure

they’re being kept someplace nearby,” she


The ranger nodded. He remained silent for a

moment, then hit the desk with his fist. “I feel

as if my hands are tied on this. Without more

proof, I can’t justify a full-scale search of the

area around the camp, but I will beef up the

patrol vehicles along that stretch of the high-

way tonight.”

Nancy smiled slightly. “That will help. And

that reminds me-there’s something else you

can do for me. I was wondering if you have

some camping gear I could borrow. All my

friend Bess and I really need is a tent and two

sleeping bags.”

Robbins chuckled. “And a couple of air

mattresses, too, believe me. Otherwise, you’ll

be so sore after one night that you won’t be

able to walk. Let me think. I know I have a

couple of sleeping bags here, but I may have to

call around to get you a tent. And anyway, I’m

not sure it’s such a great idea. These people

have already shown how ruthless they are.”

“I know that,” Nancy replied grimly.

“That’s why I have to stop them now.”

Robbins rubbed his chin thoughtfully. Fi-

nally he said, “Well, all right, but on one

condition-you call me the second anything

starts to go down. I don’t want to take any


“I understand,” Nancy told him.

He made a call. “One of the rangers over at

Tower Junction has a tent he can lend you.

He’ll be passing by here in half an hour, so he’ll

drop it off. Okay?”

“Great,” Nancy replied. “Thanks a lot. I

guess I’ll go get Bess and drop her by the

campsite, then come back.”

She started to get up, then sank back down

in her seat. “There’s one more thing. You’ve

got two park maintenance men named Rich-

ard and Piker. I saw them talking to the

Turkowers. That’s just one of the things that

makes me suspicious of them. How well do

you know them?”

Martin leaned back in his chair and gazed

toward the ceiling. “If you mean personally, I

hardly know them at all,” he finally said. “As

far as their work goes, no complaints about


Nancy looked at Martin earnestly. “I know

this is slightly irregular, but could I please see

their personnel files?”

Martin frowned. “I’m sorry. Nancy. Those

files are confidential.”

“Oh, of course, I understand,” Nancy re-

plied. “I wouldn’t dream of asking you to do

something that’s against the rules. But you

have the right to consult their files, don’t you?”

“Of course I do,” Martin said.

“And if you looked through them and no-

ticed anything that might be important for me

to know, it would be only natural to mention

it, wouldn’t it?”

A slow smile spread across his lips. “That’s

so,” he said, getting up and crossing to a bank

of gray metal file cabinets. He scanned the

labels on the drawers, then opened one near

the bottom and pulled out two olive-colored

hanging file folders. “Here we are,” he said.

“Richard Geismar and Piker Slattery.”

He opened the first of the files and glanced

through it. Next he looked at the second one.

“That’s funny,” he said. “These two guys both

grew up in Ashland, Idaho. That’s a little town

about forty miles west of the park. They were

bom in the same year, too.”

He flipped back and forth between the two

files. “Odd,” he continued. “Their job records

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