Nancy Drew Files – Case 95 – An Instinct for Trouble by Carolyn Keene

“Okay, go ahead,” Bess said, handing the

car keys back to her friend. “I’ll check us in

and start unpacking.”

Nancy walked to the parking lot briskly. The

sun shone brightly, but the air was chilly. She

spotted the car, dashed over, and got in. After

glancing at the map Ned had faxed her, she

started the engine and headed north for about

fifteen miles.

At Madison Junction, where there was a

ranger station, general store, and campground,

she turned right. She watched carefully until

she spotted a dirt road leading off to the left,

then bumped along it for about a quarter of a

mile to the campsite.

The Emerson College research group was

camping at the foot of a hill in a clearing partly

ringed by lodgepole pines. Nancy parked next

to a Jeep and walked quickly up the path

toward the little cluster of woodland green

tents. When she reached the fire pit at its

center, she found the campsite deserted.

Several logs had been pulled around the fire

pit to serve as benches. Not far away was the

kitchen tent, with sides made of mosquito

netting and tables lined with pots, pans, and


A narrow trail snaked along the edge of the

camp and then continued up the hill. Near the

foot of the hill, and about a hundred yards

from the campsite, was a very small, wooden

cabin. Nancy went over to inspect it.

There was a heavy padlock on the door and

only one tiny window, through which she

could see a generator and computer. Next to

the door, on the outside of the cabin, was

a makeshift bulletin board. Nancy studied

the work assignment chart posted there. It

was divided into categories such as Computer

Data Collection, Transmitter Checking, and

Observation-Feeding Stations 1 through 4.

Nancy saw that Ned was assigned to watch

feeding station 3 from two-thirty to five that

afternoon. Where was he now, though? she

wondered. It was just about two.

She strolled back toward the tents. The

canvas flap that served as a door on the nearest

one was tied back. She glanced inside and saw

a camera bag that reminded her of Ned’s, then

started to raise the mosquito netting and go


“Stop right there!” she heard someone shout

behind her.

Nancy spun around and saw two men in

dark green coveralls running toward her. The

taller one, who had piercing black eyes and

black stubble for a beard, reached her first.

He grabbed her by the arm and yanked her

away from the tent.

“Hey,” Nancy protested, struggling to free

herself from his grip. “I wasn’t doing anything


Just then the second man reached her. He

was built like a short redwood and had the

ruddy complexion of someone who spent a lot

of time outdoors.

“Yeah, sure,” the tall man said, twisting

Nancy’s arm behind her.

Nancy had to bite her lip to keep from

crying out.

“Looks like we caught ourselves a thief,”

the short, burly guy said, taking a step toward

her. An ugly grin contorted his face. “And we

know just what to do with her. Right, Rich-


“Right,” his buddy replied.

Chapter Two

Come on, you,” Richard growled. He

wheeled Nancy around and started pulling her

toward the fire pit.

“Get your hands off me!” Nancy said, furi-


“Not a chance,” he replied, tightening his

grip. “Should we take her to the truck. Piker?”

“Yeah,” the other man replied, giving Nancy

a shove.

Nancy swung her leg out and brought it up,

slamming her knee into Richard’s stomach.

He bent over, giving her the chance to pull

away. She was just taking off when she heard a

familiar voice call her name.

She whirled around to see Ned hurrying

down the path toward her. “Am I ever glad to

see you!” she said with relief.

Ned glanced at the two grim-faced men and

put his arm around Nancy. “What’s going on


“These guys accused me of being a thief,”

Nancy told him.

“What?” Ned was incredulous. “This is my


Richard shrugged. “If you say so, but she

was nosing around camp. Right, Piker?”

“Right,” Piker said. “We were just looking

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