Nancy Drew Files – Case 95 – An Instinct for Trouble by Carolyn Keene

“Edith and Gerry are agents of the U.S. Fish

and Wildlife Department,” Trainey remarked.

Bess looked startled. “What?”

“It’s true.” Gerald untied the rope and

snapped the cuffs on Jack’s wrists. “Dan called

us in when the marmot traps began to disap-


“Professor Trainey called you in?” Nancy

repeated in surprise.

“Sure. We’ve been friends for years,” Edith


“That’s why I didn’t want you on the case,

Nancy,” Trainey explained. “I was afraid you

might interfere with their investigation. Be-

sides, look what happened to Brad when he

tried investigating. I didn’t want anyone else


Two park service cars pulled up next to the

truck. Martin pushed Jack toward them. “I’ll

get this bunch into the cruisers.”

Nancy turned to Gerald and Edith. “Your

act sure fooled me,” she said. “And when I

overheard Professor Trainey calling you from

the square dance, I was sure that he was the

brains behind the poaching scheme.”

Professor Trainey laughed. “That’ll teach

me to let my daughter drag me to dances,” he


“I asked Dan to scout around for us today,

but when we got back from Jackson a little

while ago, we found out that he’d vanished.”

“I’m afraid I was out of action,” Trainey

said, wryly. “Fortunately, Nancy was on the


Edith smiled. “Great detective work. Nan-

cy! Did you know that there’s a five thousand

dollar reward for catching poachers?”

“Wow,” Nancy said.

“Better start thinking about what to do with

it,” Edith went on.

The next morning Nancy was awakened by

voices outside her tent. Bess was gone, so

Nancy knew it had to be fairly late. She got up,

threw on jeans and a sweatshirt, combed her

hair, then stepped out into the sunshine. The

sight that met her made her gape.

Two large trucks were parked near the camp-

site. From one of them came the rumble of a

powerful electrical generator. Dozens of peo-

ple were wheeling big blue metal equipment

cases, rolls of cable, and light stands up the

path to feeding station 1.

“Nan! Do you realize what’s happening?”

Bess ran over to greet her friend. “Randy

Dean’s going to shoot his special right here!

He’ll be here any minute, and I’m going to

meet him if I have to sprain my ankle to do it!”

Nancy looked around. “Where is everyone


“They’re all up at the feeding station,” Bess

explained. “Come on, hurry!”

At that moment Nancy heard the low

throaty growl of a perfectly tuned racing en-

gine. She looked over her shoulder and saw a

bright red sports car pulling to a stop in the lot.

“Bess,” she said, “your prayers are about to

be answered.”

Bess gasped as Randy Dean stepped out of

his car. “Hey, Nancy!” he called. “Good to see

you again.”

“Hi, Randy,” Nancy replied when the rock

star joined them. “I want you to meet my

friend Bess Marvin.”

Randy held out his hand. “Hi, Bess.”

Bess turned pale, then red, as she took his

hand. Still holding it, she gasped out, “This is

just so totally awesome! I think you’re the best

singer ever!”

“Well, thanks,” Randy replied. He gently

disengaged his hand and glanced up the hill.

“Is that the way to the feeding station?”

Bess nodded.

“I’d better get up there. My producer will

kill me if I’m late. Want to come?”

Bess just about tripped over her own feet as

she moved to Randy’s side.

At the top of the hill. Randy sat down on a

folding chair while a makeup artist went to

work on him. Dan Trainey was inside the

enclosure, holding a marmot. The Turkowers,

Ned, and the rest of the Emerson students

were off to one side, watching. To Nancy’s

delight. Brad was among them.

“Hi.” He grinned when she and Bess went

over. “I finally talked them into letting me out

of that place.”

Nancy smiled and returned his greeting.

“Ned’s told me everything,” Brad went on.

“Imagine, Jack being the mastermind of the

whole scheme.”

Ned kissed Nancy and then put his arm

around her shoulders. “Didn’t I tell you she

was a first-rate detective?”

Trainey brought Spike over and handed him

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