Nancy Drew Files – Case 95 – An Instinct for Trouble by Carolyn Keene

good-looking guy in a ranger uniform and a

young woman clad in blue jeans and a purple

Emerson College sweatshirt stood just behind


Ned moved toward the group. “I was just

showing my friend Nancy around. Professor

Trainey, this is Nancy Drew.” He gestured to

the two people behind Trainey and added,

“That’s Jack Billings, a park ranger, and Alicia

Nivel, from Emerson.”

“Hi. You’re Ned’s girlfriend from River

Heights, aren’t you?” A brief smile flashed

across Alicia’s face. “He talks about you a lot.”

For a minute no one said anything. Then the

professor turned to Ned. “Did anything new

turn up on the computer?” he asked.

Ned ran his hand back through his hair

nervously. “Umm-I didn’t get a chance to

look. Nancy showed up just when I got to the

command post,” he explained.

“I see,” Trainey replied. He crossed his arms

at his waist and stared at Ned. “We’ve got fifty

marmots missing, final observations to make

before we leave on Saturday, at least a day of

packing ahead of us-and you’ve invited a

visitor here. I must say, your timing surprises


Ned swallowed. “But, sir, Nancy is-”

Trainey held up his hand. “I need you down

at camp in ten minutes to draft a plot of

today’s readings.” He turned and headed

down the path.

Alicia gave Nancy an apologetic smile and

said, “You’ll have to forgive us. We’re all pretty

tense these days, what with the marmots miss-

ing and the grant extension hanging in the


The ranger patted her on the back and said,

“Don’t worry, Alicia. You’ll make it.”

“Thanks, Jack,” Alicia replied.

Ned shook his head despondently. “I just

wish Trainey had given me a chance to explain

why I invited Nancy. She’s a well-known de-

tective and is going to track down the poach-


Nancy would have preferred to keep her role

a secret for a little while longer. Oh, well, too

late now, she thought.

Jack gave Nancy a big smile. “A private

eye,” he said. “Well, I’ll be. And a pretty one,


Nancy tried to keep from blushing, but it

was no use. She thought that Jack was amaz-

ingly handsome-rugged and intelligent look-

ing, too. She turned to Alicia and asked,

“What did you mean about the grant exten-


“Our study is being paid for by a federal

grant,” Alicia said. “But there were cost over-

runs, so Professor Trainey applied for an ex-

tension, but in the meantime he’s been paying

some of the expenses out of his own pocket.”

Nancy whistled. “That’s pretty daring of

him,” she said. “Is he wealthy?”

“I doubt it,” Ned said. “He lives in a small

cottage off campus and drives a beat-up truck.

His work is about the only thing that seems to

matter to him.”

Nancy turned to Jack. “I met a couple of

park maintenance men today named Richard

and Piker. Do you know them?”

Jack hitched his thumbs in his belt and said,

“Yes, I do. Why?”

“They weren’t exactly friendly when I met

them at the campsite a little while ago,” Nancy


Jack gazed at Nancy. “I’m sorry if they gave

you a hard time. I told them about what

happened to Brad and asked them to be on the

lookout for trouble. Actually, Piker and Rich-

ard are really good guys,” Jack went on.

“They’re just better at building walkways than

relating to the public.”

“Oh,” Nancy said, keeping her doubts to

herself. “Ned told me about Brad’s accident.

That was the day before yesterday at about

eight in the evening, right?”

“Seven fifty-three, to be exact,” Ned said.

Nancy flashed him a grateful smile and

continued. “Were either of you around when it


Jack gave a vigorous shake of his head. “Not

me. I was at the ranger station, giving a talk on

the mammals of Yellowstone. It started at


“That’s right,” Alicia said. “Jennifer and I

were there. The slides were terrific!”

“Did either of you happen to use the stove

that afternoon?” Nancy asked, her eyes casu-

ally moving from Jack to Alicia and back.

Alicia frowned in concentration. “I think I

did. When I came up to change the film in the

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