Nancy Drew Files – Case 95 – An Instinct for Trouble by Carolyn Keene

general store at Madison Junction.”

“I’ll be there as soon as possible.” Nancy

switched off the phone and sprang up from her

seat. “Ned’s been hurt,” she told Bess. “I have

to go to him right away.”

“I’ll go, too.” Bess waved for the waitress

and paid the check while Nancy went on ahead

to get the car.

The fifteen miles to the campsite seemed to

take forever. When Nancy turned in to the

parking area, she flung the door open in one

movement, then dashed up to camp and

straight to the tiny cabin. Bess followed. In-

side, Nancy saw Jack, Jennifer, and Alicia

clustered around Ned with an open first-aid kit

on the floor nearby. Ned was sitting propped

up against the wall, holding his head in his


“Ned!” Nancy cried as she rushed in and

knelt beside him. “Are you all right?”

“I feel a lot better now that you’re here.”

Jennifer reluctantly moved aside so Nancy

could look at the back of Ned’s head. There

was a huge bump and dried blood on it. “What

happened?” she asked.

Ned shifted, and as he did, Nancy noticed

something gleaming on the floor behind him.

She picked it up and tucked it into her pocket.

“Let me think. I was on my way over to the

command post. The door was ajar, and it’s

supposed to be kept shut because there’s a lot

of valuable hardware in here. So I decided to

make sure everything was okay. I got inside,

and the next thing I knew, I was lying here with

this lump on my head and the mother of all

headaches. Somebody must have hit me.”

Just then Bess arrived. “Ned,” she gasped,

“are you okay?”

“Hi, Bess,” he answered, trying his best to

sound normal. “Guys, this is Bess Marvin.”

Jennifer and Alicia nodded to Bess. Jack

glanced at her, smiled broadly, and held out

his hand to shake hers. “Hello there, I’m Jack

Billings. Boy, does Ned Nickerson have some

great-looking friends.”

Bess blushed but said nothing.

Nancy got to her feet. “Someone obviously

wanted something. Is all the equipment still


Alicia had been studying the computer ta-

ble. “It doesn’t look as if anything was taken.”

Nancy crossed to the supply room. Every-

thing looked much as it had when she had seen

it a couple of hours earlier. Then she noticed

the hypodermic syringe and several vials of

tranquilizer were missing.

“Did anyone take a syringe and some tran-

quilizer vials out of here?” Nancy asked over

her shoulder.

Alicia stepped inside and checked the shelf.

“Oh-they are missing. But who would have

taken them?”

Nancy’s thoughts raced. First the group had

discovered fifty marmots missing, and now

someone seemed to have stolen tranquilizers

that could sedate more marmots. Was some-

one planning to tranquilize the fifty stolen

creatures so they could be quietly shipped out

of the park?

Before she could ask more questions. Nancy

saw Professor Trainey at the doorway.

“Now what?” he demanded, slightly out of

breath. “Can’t I leave this project for five

minutes without-” His voice faded as he

noticed Ned on the floor.

“Someone hit Ned over the head,” Jennifer

told her father. “And tranquilizers are missing

from the supply room.”

Trainey’s eyes widened as he knelt beside

Ned. “We’ve got to get you up to the hospital

in Gardiner as soon as we can.” He glanced

around the room, clearly upset. “Can someone

drive him there? We can’t take chances-not

with a head injury.”

“I’ll go,” Nancy quickly offered. “Where is


“Gardiner is just over the state line in

Montana, right outside the north entrance of

the park. I’ll ride along and show you the

way,” Jack offered. “Just give me a couple of

minutes to clear it with headquarters.”

Nancy remembered the object she had

stashed in her pocket. She slipped it out unob-

trusively. It was a Phi Beta Kappa key. Turning

it over, she saw the initials D.T. engraved on

the back. Dan Trainey.

She leaned down to pat Ned’s shoulder, then

crossed the room.

“Professor?” she said quietly. “May I speak

to you privately for a moment?”

Frowning, Trainey followed her outside.

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