“Yes,” Thorp said.

The power…

“You know what I’ll do?”

Thorp said, “No.”

“You know what the hell I’ll do when that rotten bitch comes on her hands and knees, crawling on her hands and knees to me?”

“Kick her in the face.”

“That’s assault,” Thorp said.

“Same for Dawson. Kick him in the face.”

“That’s assault. You’ll wind up in jail.”

“I’ll get Dawson,” Salsbury said solemnly. Then he giggled. “I’ll get that sanctimonious old bastard.”

Thorp frowned.

“Think I could find a pair of jackboots, Bob?”

“A pair of what?”

“Maybe there are a few people, just a few people, not many mind you, that I’d want jackboots for.”

6:30 P.M.


“Mrs. Wolinski?”


“I am the key.”

“I am the lock.”

“Is your husband there?” “He’s upstairs right now.”

“Is he alone upstairs?” “Alone? Yes.” “Are you alone downstairs?” “Yes.”

“Do you know Sam Edison?” “Oh, sure.”

“Is he at your house now?” “Sam? No.”

“Is Jenny Edison at your house?” “No. Why should she be?”

“Haven’t you seen either of the Edisons today?”

“No. Look here, I-”

“Mrs. Wolinski, when you hang up your telephone, you’ll forget every word of this conversation. You’ll only remember that someone called and tried to sell you life insurance. Someone from Bexford. Is that understood?”


“Hang up, Mrs. Wolinski.”

6:45 P.M.

“St. Margaret Mary’s.”

“Is this the rectory?” “Yes, it is.” “Father O’Hara?” “Speaking.”

“I am the key.”

“I am the lock.”

“Are you alone, father?”


“What about your housekeeper?”

“She’s gone home for the day.”

“Do you know Sam and Jenny Edison?”

“Certainly. Fine people.” “Is either of them with you now?”

“Here at the rectory? No.”

“In the church perhaps?” “No. Why do you ask?”

“Have you seen either of the Edisons today?”

“No. I-”

“Do you know Paul Annendale?”

“I don’t believe so. If there’s some sort of emergency-” “Shut up, O’Hara. When you hang up your telephone, you’ll forget every word of this conversation. You’ll only remember that someone dialed a wrong number. Is that understood?”


“Hang up, O’Hara.”

7:00 P.M.

either of the Edisons today?” “I saw Sam. Down at the store.” “When was that, Mrs. Jamison?” “This morning. Around nine.” “You haven’t seen him since?”

“Mrs. Jamison, I don’t want you to go away from the phone. You stand right there. But give the receiver to your husband.”


“Mr. Jamison?”


“I am the key.”

“I am the lock.”

7:30 P.M.

“…don’t want you to go away from the phone, Mrs. Potter. You stand right there. But give the receiver to Reverend Potter.”

“All right. Just a minute. .


“Reverend Potter?”

“This is he.”

“I am the key.”

“I am the lock.”

“Do you know Sam and Jenny Edison?” “Yes. Very well, in fact.”

“Have you seen either of them today?” “No.”

“Are you absolutely sure of that?”

“Oh, yes. Absolutely.”

“Have you talked to either of them today?”

“No. I-”

“Do you know Paul Annendale or his daughter?” “Yes. Every year they-”

“Have you seen or talked to them today?”

“No. I’ve spent the day-”

“What the fuck’s happening, Potter?”

“I beg your pardon?”

“Where in the hell are they?”

“I don’t like foul language or-”

“I’ve called fifty people in the past hour and a half. Nobody’s seen them. Nobody’s heard from them. Nobody knows anything. Well, they’ve got to be in this town. I’m damn sure of that! They can’t get out . . . Christ. You know what I think, Potter? I think they’re still in the general store.”


“Being quiet as mice. Trying to fool me. They want me to come looking for them. They want me to send Bob Thorp after them. They probably have guns in there. Well, they can’t fool me. They’re not going to start a shooting match and leave me with a dozen bodies to account for. I’ll wait them out. I’ll get them, Potter. And you know what I’ll do when I get my hands on them? The Edisons will have to be studied, of course. I’ll have to End out why they didn’t respond to the drug and the subliminals. But I know why the Annendales didn’t respond. They weren’t here for the program. So when I get them, I can dispose of them right away. Right away. I’ll have Bob Thorp blow their fucking heads off. The sonsofbitches. That’s exactly what I’ll do.”

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Categories: Koontz, Dean