0100 27 00 EEG–STAGE 4 SLEEP

0100 28 00 EEC–STAGE 4 SLEEP

0100 29 00 EEC–STAGE 4 SLEEP

0100 30 00 EEC–STAGE 1 SLEEP/REM

“The first time he entered deep sleep,” Salsbury said, “he stayed there for eight minutes. This time it lasted only six minutes. That’s the start of an interesting pattern.”

0100 31 00 EEC–STAGE 1 SLEEP/REM

0100 32 00 EEC–STAGE 1 SLEEP/REM

0100 33 00 EEG–STAGE 1 SLEEP/REM

0100 34 00 EEG–ALPHA WAVES

0100 35 00 EEC–STAGE 1 SLEEP/REM

0100 36 00 EEG–STAGE 1 SLEEP/REM

0100 37 00 EEG–STAGE 2 SLEEP

0100 38 00 EEC–STAGE 2 SLEEP

0100 39 00 EEC–STAGE 2 SLEEP

0100 40 00 EEC–STAGE 3 SLEEP

0100 41 00 EEC–STAGE 3 SLEEP

0100 42 00 EEC–STAGE 3 SLEEP

0100 43 00 EEC–STAGE 3 SLEEP

0100 44 00 EEC–STAGE 3 SLEEP

0100 45 00 EEG–STAGE 3 SLEEP

0100 46 00 EEC–STAGE 3 SLEEP

0100 47 00 EEC–STAGE 3 SLEEP

0100 48 00 EEC–STAGE 4 SLEEP

0100 49 00 EEC–STAGE 4 SLEEP

0100 50 00 EEC–STAGE 4 SLEEP

0100 51 00 EEC–STAGE 1 SLEEP/REM

“He was only in deep sleep three minutes that time,” Klinger said. “The cycle is accelerating, at least on the down side.”

Dawson said, “But why? Ernst apparently understands, but I’m not sure I do.”

“Something’s happening in his subconscious mind during deep sleep,” Salsbury said. “Something so unsettling that it causes him to leap up into stage one sleep and dream. That subconscious experience, whatever it may be, is getting ever more intense-or, if it isn’t getting mere intense, then his ability to withstand it is dwindling. Perhaps both. On each occasion, he’s able to tolerate it for a shorter period of time than he did before.”

“You mean he’s in pain in stage four?” Dawson asked.

“Pain is a condition of the flesh,” Salsbury said. “It’s not the right word for this situation.”

“What is the right word.”

“Anxiety, perhaps. Or fear.”

0100 52 00 EEC–STAGE 1 SLEEP/REM

0100 53 00 EEC–STAGE 1 SLEEP/REM

0100 54 00 EEC–STAGE 1 SLEEP/REM

0100 55 00 EEC–ALPHA WAVES


0100 57 00 EEC–STAGE 1 SLEEP/REM

0100 58 00 EEG–STAGE 1 SLEEP/REM

0100 59 00 EEC–STAGE 2 SLEEP/REM

0200 00 00 EEG–STAGE 2 SLEEP

0200 01 00 EEC–STAGE 2 SLEEP

0200 02 00 EEC–STAGE 2 SLEEP

0200 03 00 EEC–STAGE 3 SLEEP

0200 04 00 EEC–STAGE 3 SLEEP

0200 05 00 EEG–STAGE 3 SLEEP

0200 06 00 EEC–STAGE 3 SLEEP

0200 07 00 EEG–STAGE 4 SLEEP

0200 08 00 EEG–STAGE 1 SLEEP/REM

“One minute that time,” Klinger said.

“By now he’s extremely agitated,” Salsbury said, speaking of the dead man as if he were still alive. “The pattern becomes increasingly unusual and erratic. At two twenty he gets back to the third level. Look what happens to him after that:”

0200 20 00 EEG–STAGE 3 SLEEP

0200 21 00 EEC–STAGE 3 SLEEP

0200 22 00 EEG–STAGE 3 SLEEP

0200 23 00 EEC–STAGE 3 SLEEP

0200 24 00 EEG–STAGE 3 SLEEP

0200 25 00 EEC–STAGE 1 SLEEP/REM

Klinger was as fascinated by the print-out of Brian Kingman’s disintegration as he possibly could have been by the sight of the real event. “He didn’t even reach the fourth level that time before he popped up to stage one again.”

“He’s having an acute subconscious anxiety attack,” Salsbury said.

Dawson said, “Is there such a thing?”

“There is now. His mind is wildly turbulent at this point- yet in such a way that it doesn’t wake him up altogether. And it gets worse.”

0200 26 00 EEC–STAGE 1 SLEEP/REM

0200 27 00 EEC–STAGE 1 SLEEP/REM

0200 28 00 EEC–ALPHA WAVES

0200 29 00 EEG–STAGE 1 SLEEP/REM

0200 30 00 EEG–ALPHA WAVES

0200 31 00 EEC–STAGE 1 SLEEP/REM

0200 32 00 EEC–STAGE 1 SLEEP/REM

0200 33 00 EEG–STAGE 2 SLEEP

0200 34 00 EEC–STAGE 2 SLEEP

0200 35 00 EEG–STAGE 2 SLEEP

0200 36 00 EEC–STAGE 3 SLEEP

0200 37 00 EEG–ALPHA WAVES

“He was frightened awake at two thirty-seven, wasn’t he?” Dawson asked.

Salsbury said, “That’s right. Not wide awake. But beyond the first level of sleep, into alpha wave territory. You’re learning to read it now.”

0200 38 00 EEC–STAGE 1 SLEEP/REM

0200 39 00 EEG–STAGE 1 SLEEP/REM

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Categories: Koontz, Dean