Night of Masks by Andre Norton

Vandy was there and a tall man in uniform – a man with Vandy’s eyes.

“No need.” The tall man caught Nik’s wrist and pulled his fingers down with a strength the other could not with stand. “Look!”

He was holding a mirror at the level of Nik’s eyes, and the other could not defy that order.

“Not – not true!” Nik was shaken.

“What is not true? That you do not see correctly or that Leeds added another lie to all the rest?” asked the man with Vandy’s eyes. “You see the truth – that face remains. Now, does the rest of it?”

“The rest of what?” Nik asked dazedly.

“Of Hacon?”

“But Hacon never existed – really.”

“Did he not? My son created a man and then found him.”

Nik was still bewildered. But there was a smile on Vandy’s face, and the man was continuing.

“My son dreamed of a hero, but he found the truth under the shell of that dream, masked by it. So, in creating a myth, he also brought forth new truth. We have in the past days learned what lay behind that mask, in the memory of Nik Kolherne – who is dead.”

So compelling was the emphasis in those words that Nik glanced at the bunk, half-expecting to see himself lying inertly there.

“For Hacon, Vandy and I have a certain responsibility. And we are deeply in his debt.”

“But – I stole Vandy – took him to Dis.”

“And there you saved him, several times over, I would say. No – you are not Hacon, but neither are you any longer Nik Kolherne. Suppose you try being the man whose face you have earned. The price for a son comes high among our people. We will remember that when we meet with Hacon.”

Nik’s hand went to his face again, but now he fingered smooth flesh. Only, more than his face had somehow been mended. He was not altogether sure he understood what the warlord meant, but he was willing to learn – to learn how to be someone who was not Hacon and a hero, or Nik Kolherne, who was nothing at all. There was no mask needed, and he had come out of the night indeed!


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