Night of Terror by Desmond Bagley

the world to inform the family.” That was a good


We were quiet for some time, then I said tentatively, “If only we could

get hold of.

Schouten.” “He’s on the other side of the world.” I said softly, “I

think Mark came across a hell of a big deposit of high-cobalt


He wasn’t a bad scientist but, being Mark, he was probably more

interested in the worth of his discovery – to himself. his theories

were a bit startling though, and they intrigue me.” “So?” “So I’d

like to do something about it.” “You mean – organize an expedition?”

“That’s right.” Saying it aloud began to jell all the ideas that had

been bubbling up in me since the assay.

Geordie knocked the dottle out of his pipe. “Tell me, Mike, what’s

your interest in this – scientific or personal? You weren’t

particularly friendly towards Mark. Is it that you feel that

Trevelyans should be free to go about their business without being

murdered, Or is it something else?” “It’s that and a lot more. For

one thing, someone is pushing me around and I don’t like it. I don’t

like having my home burgled, being knifed, or having my friends shot


And I don’t appreciate having my brother murdered, if that’s really

what happened, no matter what I thought of him as a person.

Then, of course, there’s the scientific interest – I’m fascinated.

A find like this would hit oceanography like evolution hit biology.

And then there’s the money.” “Yes,”said Geordie. “I suppose there

would be money in it.” “You suppose damn right. And if you’re

thinking in mdlions, stop it, because you’re thinking small – it could

be billions.” He wasn’t ready to be enthusiastic. “So you think it’s

as good as that?” “As good as that,” I said firmly. “There’s enough

at stake for quite a few murders.”

“How much would such an expedition cost?” I had already been thinking

about that. “A ship – plus about fifty thousand for special equipment

– plus stores and running expenses.” “Running expenses for how


I smiled wryly. “That’s one of the jokers – who knows in a thing like

this?” “It’s a lot of money. And there’s over sixty million square

miles of Pacific, you said.” “I know my job,” I said.

“I wouldn’t be going entirely blindfold. I know a hell of a lot of

places where there aren’t any high-cobalt nodules. And there’s what I

can recall of Mark’s theories perhaps they’re not so fantastic after


Plus there’s this – I’m sure we can make something of it.” I held up

Mark’s little diary, which I was keeping on my person.

Geordie slapped his hands together suddenly. “All right, boy. If you

can find the capital and the running expenses – and God knows where

you’ll find money like that – I can provide the ship. Would old

Esmerelda do?” “My God, she’d be perfect for running on a small


I looked at him closely, trying not to show my excitement too much.

“But why should you come into this? It’s a chancy business, you


He laughed. “Well, you did mention a few billions of money. Besides,

some little bastard shot off the top of my little finger. I’m not

particularly interested in him, but I would like to get my hands round

the neck of the man who paid him.

And chartering tourists isn’t very much fun after a bit. I suppose you

have some ideas about finance? I mean, without a tame banker it’s a

non-starter.” I had been thinking about it, for the last hour or two

in between Our bouts of conversation. The pieces seemed to be dropping

into place nicely, so far.

I said musingly, “I saw Clare Campbell the other day – she’s in town

with her father, attending some conference or other.

He’s my goal.” “Who is Campbell?”

“Jonathan Campbell – never known as J.C. A Scottish E Canadian mining

man. Mark worked for him for a while after the I.G.Y – something to do

with a mining venture in South America. . ..” I trailed off and

Geordie cocked his head enquiringly. Something about that statement

teased at me but I couldn’t identify it and let it go with a shake of

my head.

“So he’s got money.” “He’s loaded with it,”I said, back on the

track.”He’s got the reputation of being a bit of a plunger, and this

thing might appeal to him. He lost a packet in the South American

business not long ago – something to do with mines being nationalized

but I think he’s got enough left to take a gamble on something new.”


“How do you know all this about Campbell, Mike? I didn’t know you

studied the financial pages.” “I was thinking of getting out of pure

research after the I.G.Y. The pay’s small compared with industry, so I

thought I’d look about for a job compatible with my expensive tastes.

I waved a hand around my modest flat. “Lots of other chaps did it Mark

was one – so I did a bit of investigating and Campbell cropped up.”

“But you didn’t take the job.” I shook my head. “He’d already signed

Mark on, you see, and I didn’t fancy having Mark as a colleague.

Anyway, I was asked to go to the Institute about that time – less pay,

but a more interesting job. Mark left the I.G.Y programme early and

got out of pure research. I never actually met Campbell but I did once

meet his daughter – in Vancouver. Mark had her in tow. They seemed to

be pretty close – they would, she being the boss’s daughter.”

Geordie’s voice had become as cold as mine. “Poor stupid cow.” I

thought that she didn’t look like his description at all, and wondered

how long it had taken for her to read Mark’s character. She hadn’t

struck me then as the sort of girl to be.

taken in for long. But I hoped that nothing much had happened between

them, lest it colour Campbell’s attitude towards me when I came to

approach him.

“How long did Mark work for Campbell?”

“Not very long – about a year and a half. Then he pushed off into the

South Pacific and teamed up with Norgaard, last I heard of it. I don’t

know exactly what they were doing – they had neither a decent boat nor

the right equipment for proper research, as far as I could tell.” “But

if Campbell’s a mining man, what makes you think he’ll finance a deep

sea adventure?” “I think he might,” I said. “Metals are his


Never gold or silver, nor the other end of the scale, the base


He’s dabbled in tin and copper and had a go at platinum once.

Now it seems he’s concentrating on alloy metals – titanium, cobalt,

vanadium and stuff like that. Now that rocketry is big business

there’s a boom in these metals.” Geordie asked curiously, “How does he

go about it – his investing, I mean?” “He takes advantage of us

scientific types.

He employs a few good men – people like Mark, for instance – and the

number varies from time to time. Most of them are geologists, of

course. He organizes field expeditions into remote parts, spots a body

of ore, puts a million or so into proving and development, then pulls

out and sells to the real big boys at a profit.

I heard that in one of his recent ventures he put in two million

dollars and a year of his time, then sold out at a net profit of a

million and a quarter. Not bad for a year’s work, eh, Geordie?” “Not

bad at all. But I’d say it needs experience and a hell of a lot of

cold nerve.” “Oh, he’s a canny Scot, all right. I hope he’s still in

town I’ll find out tomorrow.”

“What about Kane – why not put the coppers on to him?” I shook my head

vigorously. “Not now. All they’d do would be to pass on a query to

Tahiti and I’ve no positive faith in the activities of the French

Colonial Police, especially when there’s a convenient legal death

certificate handy. The delays would be awful, for one thing. No, I’ll

see for myself – if I can get Campbell interested. I would dearly like

to talk to Dr Schouten.” Geordie rubbed his chin meditatively. “I’m

thinking of making one or two changes in the crew if we go on this


I’d like a couple of blokes I know from the old days. I wonder what

Ian Lewis is doing now? When I met him a few months ago he said he

found life a little tedious.” I vaguely remembered a tall, gangling

Highlander. “What was he doing?” “Oh, he had a place in the Scottish

wilderness that he said he’d be glad to leave. You know, I reckon I

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