Norton, Andre – Elvenblade 2 – Elvenblood (With Mercedes Lackey)

“It makes sense,” she agreed. “It makes even more sense when you think about all the stories she’s told me about the dragons and the wizards, all the news she brought me about what they were doing. She says they’re building a new stronghold right now, in fact, and that the dragons are helping them.” It was her turn to clutch his hands. “We should run away, both of us, Lorryn! We should go to the dragons!”

“Both of us?” he said, sudden doubt in his voice. “But you aren’t—”

“If you disappear, what do you think will happen to me?” she countered fiercely, before he could object. “Father would never believe that I didn’t know something.”

“He wouldn’t use a coercion on his own—” Lorryn began.

“Oh yes he would,” she said, with a savagery that took him aback. “He wouldn’t hesitate, not for a moment, and especially not with three members of the Council breathing down his neck.” Years of resentment at Lorryn’s preferential treatment came to a boil, and she gave him truth after bitter, angry truth. “He was ready to wed me to the first drooling dotard or prize idiot that made an offer. He was willing to use coercions to get me to the fete. And he was quite prepared to have me sent away to be Changed if I didn’t please Lord Lyon last night. You’ve never seen him fling his used concubines at Mother and expect her to smile and take them into her service! You’ve never listened to him insult both of us and expect us to nod and agree with him that we are useless, worthless, empty-headed idiots. You’ve never had to sit at dinner while he told his friends that you were hardly satisfactory, but if any of them were willing to take you off his hands, he’d be grateful! And you’ve never sat there in silence because if you dared to look insolent, he’d mage-lash you as soon as you were all in private. Mage-lashing,” she added bitterly, “leaves no marks, after all; no scars that might disfigure a potential bride.”

Lorryn looked stunned and shocked. “I didn’t know—” he began in a whisper.

“It didn’t matter,” she replied, with bleak forgiveness. “You couldn’t have done anything except get yourself in trouble. I learned quickly enough to be meek, silent, obedient, and invisible. Just the way he wanted, and something he didn’t have to think about. Then he left me alone.”


“It doesn’t matter,” she repeated. “All that matters is that I have to escape with you, because he will use coercion to find out what I know if you leave me behind. So take me with you! I still have those boy’s clothes that you gave me; we can find Myre and find out what she knows—”

He nodded, slowly. “If she can help us—if she knows how to find the wizards—”

“She must,” Rena replied, “or where would she be getting all her news? I’ll ring for her—”

“Don’t bring the others!” he said in alarm, as she reached for a bell-cord. “If you call servants to come boiling in here, there’s no way we’ll keep this silent!”

She shook her head, exasperated. Didn’t he know anything about the way a bower was served? There were times when a lady did not want anyone except the personal servant of her body to come anywhere near her. “Don’t worry, Myre’s bell goes only to her room; that’s the price of her privacy and her status as my personal maid. They won’t have changed that much yet.”

It occurred to her that the timing of this crisis was nothing short of a miracle, so far as their escape possibilities went. One more day, and Myre would likely not be her personal maid anymore. Lord Lyon would surely send over slaves of his own to assure her continued obedience and docility. There had been something in that drink last night that had made her sleep like a stone; surely there would be more such drinks to ensure she had no second thoughts on the betrothal.

And in another week, she would be so busy with wedding preparations that Lorryn would have been unable to come anywhere near her during the day—and at night, there would be real guards mounted on all entrances to her rooms. Nothing was ever left to chance in a situation in which the bride might become—awkward.

And after that, she would not even be here; she would begin a round of visits to her own female kin, then to Lord Lyon’s. There would be fetes in honor of the betrothal, and long talks with each chosen female on the duty of wives to their husbands. That round of visits would end, not here, but at Lord Lyon’s estate, where the wedding would finally take place.

No, the timing on this could not have been better—

And here was the escape she had longed for, dreamed of—even prayed for, although the elves had no deities to entreat, and felt such superstitions were the product of inferior minds. Perhaps the humans were right after all—something did listen to prayers!

Myre appeared within moments of her sounding the bell, looking a bit out-of-sorts, but not at all disheveled; it had never occurred to her before, but Myre always looked like that, no matter how odd the hour when Rena summoned her. Did she never sleep? Or was she something other than what she seemed?

Did wizards sleep, for instance?

Myre’s eyes widened just a trifle to see Lorryn sitting on the couch, but she nodded as Rena motioned for silence.

“There’s no one listening, not even with magic,” Lorryn said wearily. “Believe me, I would know.”

Myre stared at him—then slowly smiled. “So, wizard,” she said softly. “I heard about the three Council members arriving last night, but I had thought it was because of Sheyrena’s betrothal.”

“Sheyrena’s—what?” Lorryn said, taken aback.

“Never mind, it doesn’t matter,” Rena told him fiercely, men turned to Myre. “Please,” she pleaded. “You seem to know so much about the free wizards—we have to get away from here! We need your help!”

Myre’s smile broadened, as if none of this surprised her in the least “Indeed,” she said calmly. “I would say that’s an understatement.”

The slave sat down on the edge of the bed as if she were the master, and not the other way around.

Then again—right now, she is. Her posture certainly seemed to confirm every speculation Rena had just made about her. No slave ever unlearned discipline to look the way Myre did now.

“So, I do believe I can help,” the slave said, leaning back on her hands and regarding them both with an amused eye, as relief made Rena feel faint “The first thing we’ll need is a weapon or two. And after that—” She smiled, as if at a secret only she knew. “Just how good a swimmer are you?”

Chapter 5

THE DISCOVERY OF a few wild humans out here was startling in its way, although Shana had assumed ever since they began their search through the wilderness for a new home that sooner or later the wizards would come across humans that had never been subjugated by the elves. This world was simply too big, and the elves too few, for them to have either conquered or destroyed all humans in it.

Now that they all knew the facts, though, this discovery was very intimidating; from everything they learned from Collen’s clan, there were many more humans out beyond the lands she knew than Shana had thought; here was a group—one of many—that existed simply to trade with the other wild ones.

Collen’s family of traders had been unable to tell the wizards anything about the grasslands to the south of the Citadel, or who might be living there now. He and his kin stuck to the river, seldom venturing beyond it. He could only tell her that there were many groups of nomadic herdsmen that roamed the plains, and that once in a great while some of these sent representatives to the river to trade with his people.

Shana had taken that lack of information as a reason to escape the Citadel on a scouting expedition, and Mero, Keman, and Kalamadea had not been much behind in volunteering as well. The retrieval of personal belongings was proceeding at what Shana considered to be a reasonable rate, but it was not satisfying Caellach Gwain and his cronies, who seemed to see no reason why they could not come barging into any given session with demands that the circle of young wizards bring back a particular object right now. Nor, despite much urging both polite and brusque, would they stoop to the use of stones to amplify their powers, or to work in a circle to combine their abilities as the younger set had learned. They had much more important work to do; “fetching things was a job for apprentices,” or so Shana was told at least once a day.

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