Norton, Andre – Elvenblade 2 – Elvenblood (With Mercedes Lackey)

Now what? She knew where the wizards were—surely, surely she could use that somehow, couldn’t she?

She needed information. And she needed to get it without a chance that she might be caught by Keman or any of the others.

In short, she needed a plan.

And this time she had better not underestimate anyone or anything. This time her plan must be perfect. And for a perfect plan, she needed information.

But information was easy to gather, so long as she stayed away from her fellow dragons. She could shift into any one of hundreds of shapes to spy on the wizards, anything from a human child to a rock formation. So long as no dragon saw her, she should be safe from detection.

Well, her first shape should be something with a good nose—and inedible. All those creatures living together should be easy to scent, but she didn’t want to find herself the target of some hunter’s arrows while she searched for them!

Her mind made up, she folded her wings and dove for a secluded vale just out of sight of that riverside landing.

The alicorns reached the summit of yet another hill; they had phenomenal endurance, and even with Rena and Lorryn on their backs, they were able to make twice the speed of any horse she’d ever ridden. They had a kind of ground-devouring fast walk that they could keep up all day if they had to. They needed to stop two or three times each day for food and water, and then it was no more than the equivalent of an equine snack.

Of course, what they were eating was not grass alone, but whatever they could catch that lived in the grass as well. They were fast, they caught and ate mice and voles as easily as any house cat.

At night they would disappear for several hours, coming back with traces of blood around their mouths. At least they came back—and didn’t consider Lorryn and Rena to be good prey.

Rena had been revolted. Lorryn had been fascinated. He told her that it was very likely that the reason why the alicorns were able to keep up that fast pace was that they were eating meat. “Meat is a more concentrated food than grass,” he told her. “If they weren’t eating meat, I expect they wouldn’t be able to go on any longer or faster than one of our horses.”

Rena had already decided that she was no longer interested in having a tame alicorn.

Meanwhile, she was not possessed of the same level of endurance as Lorryn or the alicorns. They wanted to be off at sunrise—which meant rising before sunrise just so they could manage a bite to eat—and didn’t stop for the night until sunset. Nothing in Rena’s life had ever prepared her for this kind of endurance test. She fell asleep exhausted and sore, and woke very little rested. She had long since given up any interest in the passing countryside, even though they’d had more than one narrow escape from hostile animals and potentially hostile hunters. Now all she could do was cling to the back of her alicorn and use her own little magics to keep it tame. All she really wanted to do was find the wizards, so at last she could rest.

Rest! Oh, if only she could! Her entire world had narrowed to the need for rest. Every muscle ached, and her eyes burned with fatigue; there was a dull headache right behind her eyes, and if Lord Gildor had appeared at that moment with an offer of a bed and a warm meal in exchange for a wedding, she would probably have wedded him then and there.

Well, maybe not. But she would have been willing to entertain the notion.

“Interesting,” Lorryn muttered out loud, as his beast reached the top of the ridge first.

“What’s interesting?” Rena asked, dully. She couldn’t imagine anything interesting out here. They’d traveled through a pass in the mountains to come out amid a range of forested hills several days ago. The hills were bisected by a wide river, which the alicorns had followed for a few days. She’d had hope that they were about to reach whatever goal their tiny minds had set—since she didn’t see any way that they could cross a river that must have been wide enough to have swallowed Lord Tylar’s manor, gardens, and all without a splash. But yesterday the alicorns had plunged into the stream without any warning at all and had swum across it while she clung on to her mount’s mane with one hand and her bundle of belongings with the other, terrified that she would lose her grip on one or the other.

She’d swallowed water more than once, and her chest still hurt. She hadn’t said anything to Lorryn, though, for fear he’d decide to abandon the alicorns and continue the trek on foot. He was thriving on the hard pace, and she didn’t want him to think that she was holding him back. His surprise and approval of everything she’d done so far was so sweet—and she couldn’t bear to do without it again. It was the one sliver of triumph in the midst of the grueling journey.

“Well, I think I know what the alicorns are doing, where they’re going,” he replied, as he studied the ground ahead of them. “We’re headed down into a great plain, and I’ve been seeing what I think are alicorn tracks all along. When we topped this ridge, I thought I saw alicorns out there in the grass, all heading south. I think our mounts are migrating.”

“What?” she said, surprise breaking her out of her weary apathy for a moment. “Like birds?”

“Exactly like birds,” he replied. “I think I know what’s going on in their tiny little minds. I’ve been trying to sense their thoughts, but I couldn’t make anything of them until just now. You know that they’re predators sometimes—”

“Yes,” she replied, holding back a shudder.

“I think that they’re predators during the winter when there isn’t much to graze on, combined grazers and predators during this migration, and then become grazers all summer. I think that while they’re grazers, they form up into big herds, but only then. That would be so they can find mates and protect their young.” He sounded very pleased with himself. “That would be why our hunters scarcely ever see them in the summer and never with young—and why when we hunt them in the winter, they’re solitary. They act like predators in the winter, then in the summer, act like grazers to choose mates and bear and raise young.”

“Well,” she replied, as she thought about that from the standpoint of the fact that she knew they’d been created from other animals by some long-ago High Lord, “the High Lords wanted something that could feed itself in all situations, so I suppose that makes sense. But what does that have to do with us?’

Lorryn turned back to look at her, bracing himself with one hand on the stallion’s rump. “Not much, except that we’re going to have to abandon these two before they reach a big herd. I don’t think the herd would tolerate us, and I don’t think you can gentle an entire herd of the beasts.”

She thought once again of the blood on her mare’s muzzle, and shivered. “No, I don’t think I can either. But what about the wizards?”

“Well, I’ve been thinking about that,” he replied. “Once we crossed that river, I daresay we’re beyond any holding the elven lords ever claimed. If we don’t find any sign of habitation, we can turn back to the river and follow it for a while. I can start listening for thoughts, which ought to give us a clue where they are. And we can both watch for dragons.”

“I’ve been watching for dragons,” she replied truthfully. “And I haven’t seen any.”

“I haven’t sensed any thoughts but beasts’ since the river either.” He studied her from his seat on the alicorn’s back. “I also think I ought to put an illusion of full humanity on both of us. Just in case.”

She covertly stretched aching muscles, and gave him the same close regard. “I think you might be right,” she replied thoughtfully. “You look a little too elven.”

“Plus, we’re out where we might well run into free humans,” he reminded her. “I’ve read a lot of history from the first Wizard War and before. I know of several groups who were supposed to be out here, at least back as far as the histories go—the grel-riders and the Corn People. The last thing I want to do is frighten anyone. Or—well, neither the riders or the Corn People have any reason to think of elves as anything but enemies. I would rather they didn’t shoot at us before asking questions.”

As if the alicorns themselves wouldn’t encourage them to do that? But she nodded her agreement, and a few moments later, sensed that tingling that told her Lorryn was working magic on her.

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