Nothing Lasts Forever by Sidney Sheldon

“Any suggestions?”

“I have,” Paige answered. “Here’s the plan…”

Saturday evening, Kat and Ken Mallory had dinner at Emilio’s, a restaurant on the bay. She had dressed carefully for him, in a white cotton dress, off the shoulder.

“You look sensational,” Mallory said. He was careful to strike just the right note. Appreciative, but not pressing. Admiring, but not suggestive. Mallory had determined to be at his most charming, but it was not necessary. It quickly became obvious to him that Kat was intent on charming him.

Over a drink, Kat said, “Everyone talks about what a wonderful doctor you are, Ken.”

“Well,” Mallory said modestly, “I’ve had fine training, and I care a lot about my patients. They’re very important to me.” His voice was filled with sincerity.

Kat put her hand over his. “I’m sure they are. Where are you from? I want to know all about you. The real you.”

Jesus! Mallory thought. That’s the line I use. He could not get over how easy this was going to be. He was an expert on the subject of women. His radar knew all the signals they put out. They could say yes with a look, a smile, tone of voice. Kat’s signals were jamming his radar.

She was leaning close to him, and her voice was husky. “I want to know everything.”

He talked about himself during dinner, and every time he tried to change the subject and bring it around to Kat, she said, “No, no. I want to hear more. You’ve had such a fascinating life!”

She’s crazy about me, Mallory decided. He wished now that he had taken more bets. I might even win tonight, he thought. And he was sure of it when Kat said, as they were having coffee, “Would you like to come up to my apartment for a nightcap?”

Bingo! Mallory stroked her arm and said softly, “I’d love to.” The guys were all crazy, Mallory decided. She’s the horniest broad I’ve ever met. He had a feeling that he was about to be raped.

Thirty minutes later, they were walking into Kat’s apartment.

“Nice,” Mallory said, looking around. “Very nice. Do you live here alone?”

“No. Dr. Taylor and Dr. Taft live with me.”

“Oh.” She could hear the note of regret in his voice.

Kat gave him a beguiling smile. “But they won’t be home until much later.”

Mallory grinned. “Good.”

“Would you like a drink?”

“Love one.” He watched as Kat walked over to the little bar and mixed two drinks. She’s got great buns, Mallory thought. And she’s damned good-looking, and I’m getting ten thousand dollars to lay her. He laughed aloud.

Kat turned. “What’s so funny?”

“Nothing. I was just thinking how lucky I am to be here alone with you.”

“I’m the lucky one,” Kat said warmly. She handed him his drink.

Mallory raised his glass and started to say, “Here’s to…”

Kat beat him to it. “Here’s to us!” she said.

He nodded. “Ill drink to that.”

He started to say, “How about a little music?” and as he opened his mouth, Kat said, “Would you like some music?”

“You’re a mind reader.”

Kat put on an old Cole Porter standard. She surreptitiously glanced at her watch, then turned to Mallory. “Do you like to dance?”

Mallory moved closer to her. “It depends on whom I’m dancing with. I’d love to dance with you.”

Kat moved into his arms, and they began to dance to the slow and dreamy music. He felt Kat’s body pressing hard against his, and he could feel himself getting aroused. He held her tighter, and Kat smiled up at him.

Now is the time to go in for the kill.

“You’re lovely, you know,” Mallory said huskily. “I’ve wanted you since the first moment I saw you.”

Kat looked into his eyes. “I’ve felt the same way about you, Ken.” His lips moved toward hers, and he gave her a warm, passionate kiss.

“Let’s go into the bedroom,” Mallory said. There was a sudden urgency in him.

“Oh, yes!”

He took her by the arm and she started leading him toward her bedroom. And at that moment, the front door opened and Paige and Honey walked in.

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Categories: Sidney Sheldon