Outbreak by Robin Cook. Part two

“Exactly what you are presently doing,” said Dubchek. “Continue working with less-pathogenic viruses until you gain sufficient experience.”

“How will I know when I’ve had enough experience?” Marissa realized that Cyrill had a point, but she wondered if his answer would have been different had they been dating. It bothered her even more that she didn’t have the nerve to withdraw her earlier rebuff. He was a handsome man, one who attracted her far more than Ralph, whom she was happy enough to see for dinner.

“I believe I will know when you have had adequate experience,” said Dubchek interrupting her thoughts, “. . . or Tad Schockley will.”

Marissa felt cheered. If it were up to Tad, she was certain that she would eventually get the necessary authorization.

“Meanwhile,” said Dubchek, stepping around his desk and sitting down, “I’ve got something more important to talk with you about. I’ve just been on the phone with a number of people, including the Missouri State Epidemiologist. They have a single case of a severe

viral illness in St. Louis that they think might be Ebola. I want you to leave immediately, assess the situation clinically, send Tad samples and report back. Here’s your flight reservation.” He handed Marissa a sheet of paper. On it was written Delta, flight 1083, departure 5:34 P.M., arrival 6:06 P.M.

Marissa was stunned. With rush-hour traffic, it was going to be a near thing. She knew that as an EIS officer she should always have a bag packed, but she didn’t, and there was Taffy to think of, too.

“We’ll have the mobile lab ready if it is needed,” Cyrill was saying, “but let’s hope it’s not.” He extended his hand to wish her good luck, but Marissa was so preoccupied with the thought of possibly facing the deadly Ebola virus in less than four hours, that she walked out without noticing. She felt dazed. She’d gone in hoping for permission to use the maximum containment lab and was leaving with orders to fly to St. Louis! Glancing at her watch, she broke into a run. It was going to be close.


March 3

IT WAS ONLY AS the plane taxied onto the runway that Marissa remembered her date with Ralph. Well, she should touch down in time to catch him as soon as he got home. Her one small consolation was that she felt more comfortable professionally than she had en route to L.A. At least she had some idea of what would be demanded of her. Personally, however, knowing this time how deadly the virus could be, if indeed it was Ebola, Marissa was more frightened at the thought of her own exposure. Although she hadn’t mentioned it to anyone, she still worried about contracting the disease from the first outbreak. Each day that passed without the appearance of suspicious symptoms had been a relief. But the fear had never completely disappeared.

The other thought that troubled Marissa was the idea of another Ebola case appearing so quickly. If it was Ebola, how did it get to St. Louis? Was it a separate outbreak from L.A. or merely an extension of that one? Could a contact have brought it from L.A., or could there be an “Ebola Mary” like the infamous “Typhoid Mary”? There were many questions, none of which made Marissa cheerful.

“Will you want dinner tonight?” asked a cabin attendant, breaking Marissa’s train of thought.

“Sure,” said Marissa dropping her tray table. She’d better eat, whether she was hungry or not. She knew that once she got to St. Louis she might not get the time.

As Marissa climbed out of the taxi that had taken her from the St. Louis airport to the Greater St. Louis Community Health Plan Hospital, she was thankful for the elaborate concrete porte cochere. It was pouring outside. Even with the overhead protection, she pulled up the lapels of her coat to avoid wind-driven rain as she ran for the revolving door. She was carrying her suitcase as well as her briefcase, since she’d not taken the time to stop in her hotel.

The hospital appeared an impressive affair even on a dark, rainy night. It was constructed in a modern style, with travertine-marble facing, and fronted by a three-stories-tall replica of the Gateway Arch. The interior was mostly blond oak and bright red carpeting. A pert receptionist directed Marissa to the administration offices, located through a pair of swinging doors.

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Categories: Cook, Robin