Over My Dead Body by Rex Stout

At twenty minutes past four Wolfe arose from his chair with a sigh and said to me: “Put her to bed in the south room, above mine, and lock the door.”

She rose too, steadying herself with her hand on the edge of his desk, and declared, “I want to go home.”

“The police are there laying for you. As I told you, I have informed them of your phone call. They’ll take you to headquarters and be much more insistent than I have been. Well?”

“All right.” She groaned.

“Good night, madame. Good night, Archie.” He stalked out.

It was two flights to the floor above his, and I was in no mood to elevate her that far by brute force, so I trotted up and got the elevator after he had ascended, and took it down and got her. Fritz, half asleep and half displeased, went along to make sure that the bed was habitable and that towels and accessories were at hand; and for the honor of the house he brought with him the vase of cattleyas from Wolfe’s desk. She may have had no nightie or slippers or toothbrush, but by golly she had orchids. Fritz turned the bed down and, me steering her, she got seated on the edge of it.

Fritz said, “She’s forlorn.”

“Yep.” I asked her, “Do you want me to help you off with your coat or anything?”

She shook her head.

“Shall I open the window?”

Another shake.

We left her there. From the outside I locked the door and put the key in my pocket. It was ten to five, and a dingy November dawn was feebly whimpering “Let there be light,” at my windows when I finally hit the mattress.

At eight o’clock in the morning, bathed and dressed but bleary-eyed and grouchy, I took a pot of coffee up to her. When my third and loudest knock got no response, I used the key and went in. She wasn’t there. The bed was just as Fritz had turned it down. The window on the left, the one that opened onto the fire escape, was standing wide-open.

Chapter 12

I descended a flight to Wolfe’s room, tapped on the door, and entered. He was in bed, propped up against three pillows, just ready to attack the provender on the breakfast table which straddled his mountainous ridge under the black silk coverlet. There was orange juice, eggs an beurre noir, two slices of broiled Georgia ham, hashed brown potatoes, hot blueberry muffins, and a pot of steaming cocoa.

He snapped at me, “I haven’t eaten!”

“Neither have I,” I said bitterly. “I’m in no better humor than you are, so let’s call it a tie. I just went up to take our guest some coffee –”

“How is she?”

“I don’t know.”

“Is she asleep?”

“I don’t know.”

“What the devil –”

“I was starting to tell you and you interrupted me. Please don’t interrupt. She’s gone. She didn’t even lie down. She went by the window and the fire escape, and presumably found her way to 34th Street by the passage we use sometimes. Since she descended the fire escape, she went right past that window” – I pointed – “facing you, and it must have been daylight.”

“I was asleep.”

“So it seems. I thought maybe with a woman in the house, and possibly a murderess, you might have been on the qui vive –”

“Shut up.”

He took some of the orange juice, frowned at me half a minute, and took some more.

“Phone Mr. Cramer. Give him everything.”

“Including my trip to the love nest?”

He grimaced. “Don’t use terms like that when my stomach’s empty. Including everything about Madame Zorka, Mr. Barrett, and Miss Reade, except the subject of my threat to Mr. Barrett.”

“Bosnian forests.”

“All of that to be deleted. If he wants a transcript of our talk with Madame Zorka, furnish it; he’s welcome to it. He has resources for investigating those people and for finding Madame Zorka. If he wants to see me, eleven o’clock.”

“Your daughter’s coming at eleven.”

“Then noon for Mr. Cramer if he wants it.” He swallowed more orange juice. “Phone Seven Seas Radio and ask if they have anything for me. If they haven’t, tell them to rush it to me when it comes. Make an appointment for me to talk with Mr. Hitchcock in London at nine o’clock.”

“Do you want a record –”

“No. Who is downstairs?”

“No one has come yet. They ought to be here any minute.”

“When Saul comes, put the envelope in the safe. I’ll see them as soon as I’m through talking to Mr.

Hitchcock. Send Saul up first, then Fred, then Orrie. Have you had your breakfast?”

“You know damn well I haven’t.”

“Good heavens. Get it.”

I went down to the kitchen and did that, after first calling Seven Seas Radio and arranging for a wire to London at nine. With my breakfast I consumed portions of the Times, specializing on the report of the Ludlow murder. They had my name spelled wrong, and they were pretty stale for a paper that had gone to press at midnight, for they said that the police were looking for me. As Cramer had predicted, they had the low-down on Ludlow’s being an agent of the British government, but there wasn’t any hint of Montenegro or Bosnian forests or Balkan princesses. On an inside page there was a spread of pictures and a two-column piece about the murder in Paris that the col de mort had figured in some years before.

When Saul and Fred and Orrie came I shooed them into the front room to wait, since I had jobs to do. After my second cup of coffee and what preceded it, I felt better and was almost cheerful by the time I got Inspector Cramer on the wire to relate the sad story. He hadn’t had much more sleep than me, and was naturally disgruntled when he learned that we had had Zorka in our clutches for a couple of hours without bothering him about it, and he got rude and vulgar at the news that she had left before breakfast, but I applied the salve by reminding him how many presents he was getting absolutely gratis. He had no news to speak of himself, or if he had he wasn’t handing it out, but he said he would drop in around noon if he could make it, and in the meantime he would like me to type a report, not only of our session with Zorka, but also of the one with Barrett and of my visit on Madison Avenue. That was sweet of him. I felt a lot like a hard morning at the alphabet piano, no I didn’t.

As it turned out, I didn’t get much typing done. The talk with Hitchcock in London took place at nine o’clock as scheduled, and of course I didn’t listen in, since Wolfe had said no record. Then I sent Saul up to meet Wolfe in the plant rooms, having first procured the envelope and stowed it away in the safe. The instructions for Saul must have been complicated, for fifteen minutes passed before he came back down and calmly requested fifty bucks expense money. I whistled and asked who he was going to bribe and he said the District Attorney. Wolfe rang me on the house phone and said to keep Fred in storage for the present and to send Orrie Cather up. Orrie’s schedule must have been a simple one, for he returned in no time at all, marched over to me and said:

“Give me about three thousand dollars in threes.”

“With pleasure. I’m busy. How much in cold cash?”

“Nothing, my dear fellow.”


“Right. And please don’t disturb me. I shall be spending the day on research at the public library. Hold yourself in readiness –”

He dodged the notebook I threw, and danced out.

I put a sheet in the typewriter and started, without any enthusiasm, on the report for Cramer, but had only filled a third of a page when it occurred to me that it would be fun to locate Zorka without moving from my desk. I pulled the phone over and dialed a number. The ringing signal was in my ear a long while before there was a voice. It sounded disconsolate.


I made mine vigorous but musical. “Hello, Belinda?”

“Yes. Who is this?”


“I’m in no condition to guess.”

“It’s Archie. Archie the good-looking bum. I want to warn –”

“How did you get this number? It’s private and it’s not listed.”

“I know, but I can read, can’t I? I saw it on your phone when I used it. I want to say three things. First, that I think you’re very very beautiful and if you ever ask me to come and read aloud to you I will. Second, I forgot to thank you for the drinks. Third, I want to warn you about Zorka. About a thousand cops are looking for her, and if they come and find her there it will get you in a lot of trouble, and I’d be glad to –”

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Categories: Stout, Rex