Pandora’s Legions by Christopher Anvil

The decade of the 1970s, roughly speaking, was the period when SF underwent the sea change from being a short form genre to a novel genre. And many authors who lived and worked through that transition often found the seas choppy. As Anvil explained, in a nutshell, he’d originally intended the entire story to work as a whole, but . . .

By the time he sat down to write Pandora’s Planet, the Towers stories had already been published in Analog—which meant that re-issuing them as part of a serialized novel in the same magazine seemed unworkable to him. And when he negotiated the rights to the Horsip story from a novel publisher, the Towers sequence got left out of the equation.

“For what it’s worth,” Anvil told me, “John Campbell told me later he thought I’d made a mistake by not including the Towers adventures in Pandora’s Planet.” But by then the novel contract was signed, and it was too late to do anything about it.

John Campbell was the editor of Astounding (later renamed Analog), and is generally considered the greatest editor in the history of SF (an opinion which I share, by the way). He was certainly right on this issue. Pandora’s Planet, without the Towers episodes, is a workable novel. But it lacks the flavor and zest of the original novelette (“Pandora’s Planet”) which constitutes its opening episode.

The reason is obvious. Beginning with Chapter VIII of the novel, Horsip has enjoyed a major promotion. And while promotions are a splendid thing in real life (well . . . usually), they tend to be a problem in fiction. Put simply, admirals and four-star generals don’t have as many hair-raising scrapes as lieutenants and captains. So, after the first eight chapters, Pandora’s Planet winds up recounting a story which is almost intellectual in nature. While Horsip’s story gives the overall framework for the Pandora cycle, his adventures, for the most part, are those of the boardroom, not the battlefield.

And it’s such a pity—because, meanwhile, Towers and his crew are having as many hair-raising scrapes as you could ask for! Off-stage!

Can’t have that . . .

So I proposed that we take John Campbell’s advice, long after the fact, and Christopher Anvil agreed. As editor, I “broke apart” the various episodes of Pandora’s Planet and combined them with the Towers episodes in a single story. Anvil then worked over and polished the manuscript, which resulted in this volume. (Since “Sweet Reason” was part of the setting, we included it more or less as an appendix.)

To sum up, after several decades, Pandora’s Legions gives the reader for the first time the entire Pandora story.

—Eric Flint

July 2001

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Categories: Christopher, Anvil