PAPER MONEY by Ken Follett

sympathetically, missing the point.

“I’m not talking about the principles of good banking–the law of the

least risk, the collateral to more-than-cover the loan, higher interest

for longer term–I don’t mean all that.”

“No.” Arny now had no idea what Evan did mean. But he sensed that Evan

was going to be indiscreet, and like everyone in the City he enjoyed the

indiscretions of others. “Have another?”

He picked up the glasses.

Evan nodded assent, and watched Arny go to the bar. The two of them

often met in the lounge of Pollard’s before catching the train home


Evan liked the plush seats, and the quiet, and the faintly servile

barmen. He had no time for the newer kind of pub that was springing up

in the Square Mile: trendy, crowded cellars with loud music for the

long-haired whiz kids in their three-piece suits and gaudy ties,

drinking lager in pints or Continental aperitifs’.

“I’m talking about integrity,” Evan resumed when Arny came back. “A

banker can be a fool, and survive, if he’s straight; but if he hasn’t

got integrity . ”


“Now, take Felix Laski. There’s a man totally without integrity.”

“This is the man who’s taken you over.”

“To my everlasting regret, yes. Shall I tell you how he got control?”

Arny leaned forward in his seat, holding a cigarette halfway to his

lips. “Okay.”

“We had a customer called South Middlesex Properties. They were tied up

with a discounting outfit we knew, and we wanted an outlet for a lot of

long-term money. The loan was too big for the property company, really,

but the collateral was vast. To cut a long story short, they defaulted

on the loan.”

“But you had the property,” Arny said. “Surely the title deeds were in

your vault.”

“Worthless. What we had were copies–and so did several other


“Straightforward fraud.”

“Indeed, although somehow they managed to make it look like mere

incompetence. However, we were in a hole. Laski bailed us out in

exchange for a majority holding.”


“Shrewder than you think, Arny. Laski practically controlled South

Middlesex Properties–. Mind you, he wasn’t a director. But he had

shares, and he was employed by them as a consultant, and the management

was weak ..

“So he bought into the Cotton Bank with the money he’d borrowed and

defaulted on.”

“Looks like it, doesn’t it?”

Arny shook his head. “I find that very hard to credit.”

“You wouldn’t if you knew the bugger.” Two men in solicitors’ stripes

sat at the next table with half-pints of beer, and Evan lowered his

voice. “A man totally without integrity,” he repeated.

“What a stroke to pull.” There was a note of admiration in Arny’s voice.

“You could have gone to the newspaper–if it’s true.”

“Who the hell would publish it, other than Private Eye? But it’s true,

boy. There is no depth to which that man will not sink.” He took a large

swallow of whiskey. “You know what he’s done today?”

“It couldn’t be worse than the South Middlesex deal,” Arny goaded him.

“Couldn’t it? Ha!” Evans face was slightly flushed now, and the glass

trembled in his hand. He spoke slowly and deliberately. “He has

instructed–instructed, mind you–to clear a rubber check for a million

pounds.” He set down his glass with a flourish.

“But what about Threadneedle Street?”

“My exact words to him!” The two solicitors looked around, and Evan

realized he had shouted.

He spoke more quietly. “My very words. You’ll never believe what he

said. He said: “Who owns the Cotton Bank of Jamaica?” Then he put the

phone down on me.”

“So what did you do?”

Evan shrugged. “When the payee phoned up, I said the check was good.”

Arny whistled. “What you say makes no difference; It’s the Bank of

England who have to make the transfer. And when they discover that you

haven’t got a million–”

“I told him all that.” Evan realized he was close to tears, and felt

ashamed. “I have never, in thirty years of banking, since I started

behind the counter Il of Bardays Bank in Cardiff, passed a rubber check.

Until today.” He emptied his glass and stared at it gloomily. “Have

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Categories: Follett, Ken