Patricia Cornwell – Scarpetta11 – The Last Precinct

“Law enforcement tolerates women. It doesn’t celebrate them and punishes those who become heroes. That’s the dirty little secret no one wants to talk about,” I say.

Anna vigorously whips eggs with a fork.

“It’s our same story,” I continue. “We went to medical school in a day when we had to apologize for taking men’s slots. In some cases, we were shunned, sabotaged. I had three other women in my first-year medical school class. How many did you have?”

“It was different in Vienna.”

“Vienna?” My thoughts evaporate.

“Where I was trained,” she informs me.

“Oh.” I experience guilt again as I learn another detail I don’t know about my good friend.

“When I came here, everything you are saying about how it is for women was exactly like that.” Anna’s mouth is set in a hard line as she pours egg batter into a cast-iron skillet. “I re­member what it was like when I moved to Virginia. How I was treated.”

“Believe me, I know all about it.”

“I was thirty years ahead of you, Kay. You really don’t know all about it.”

Eggs steam and bubble. I lean against the counter, drinking black coffee, wishing I had been awake when Lucy came in last night, aching because I didn’t talk to her. I had to find out her news like this, almost as a by the way. “Did she talk to you?” I ask Anna. “About what she just told us?”

She folds the eggs over and over. “Looking back on it, I think she showed up with champagne because she wanted to tell you. Rather an inappropriate effect, considering her news.” She pops multi-grain English muffins out of the toaster. “It is easy to assume that psychiatrists have such deep conversations with everyone, when in truth, people rarely tell me their true feelings, even when they pay me by the hour.” She carries our plates to the table. “Mostly, people tell me what they think. That is the problem. People think too much.”

“They won’t be blatant.” I am preoccupied with ATE again as Anna and I sit across from each other. “Their attack will be covert, like the FBI. And in truth, the FBI ran her off for the same reason. She was their rising star, a computer wizard, a helicopter pilot, the first female member of the Hostage Res­cue Team,” I rash through Lucy’s resume as Anna’s expres­sion turns increasingly skeptical. We both know it is unnecessary for me to recite all this. She has known Lucy since Lucy was a child. “Then the gay card was played.” I can’t stop. “Well, she left them for ATF and here we go again.

On and on, history repeated. Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Because you are consuming yourself with Lucy’s prob­lems when your own loom larger than Mont Blanc.”

My attention wanders out the window. A blue jay helps himself to the bird feeder, feathers ruffling, sunflower seeds falling and peppering the snowy earth like lead shot. Pale fin­gers of sunlight probe the overcast morning. I nervously turn my coffee cup in small circles on the table. My elbow throbs slowly and deeply as we eat. Whatever my problems are, I re­sist talking about them, as if to voice them will somehow give them lifeas if they don’t have life already. Anna doesn’t push. We are quiet. Silverware clinks against plates and snow drifts down more thickly, frosting shrubbery and trees and hovering foggily over the river. I return to my room and take a long, hot bath, my cast propped on the side of the tub. I am dressing with difficulty, realizing that I am not likely to ever master tying shoes with one hand, when the doorbell rings. Moments later, Anna knocks and asks me if I am decent.

Thoughts bloom darkly and roll like storms. I am not ex­pecting company. “Who is it?” I call out.

“Buford Righter,” she says.[“_Toc37098906”]


BEHIND HIS BACK, THE CITY COMMONWEALTH’S AT -torney is called many things: Easy Righter (he is weak), Righter Wrong (wishy-washy), Fighter Righter (anything but), Booford (scared of his own shadow). Always proper, al­ways appropriate, Righter is always the Virginia gentleman he was trained to be in the Caroline County horse country of his roots. No one loves him. No one hates him. He is neither feared nor respected. Righter has no fire. I can’t recall ever seeing him emotional, no matter how cruel or heart-wrenching the case. Worse, he is squeamish when it comes to the details I bring to the forum, preferring to focus on points of law and not the appalling human messiness left by its vio­lations.

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Categories: Cornwell, Patricia