Peters, Ellis – Cadfael 08 – The Devil’s Novice

‘That’s what Eluard has been trying to find out on his way back, stage by stage along the most likely route a man would take. For certainly he never came near Chester. And stage by stage our canon has drawn blank until he came into Shropshire. Never a trace of Clemence, hide, hair or horse, all through Cheshire.’

‘And none as far as Shrewsbury?’ For Hugh had more to tell, he was frowning down thoughtfully into the beaker he held between his thin, fine hands.

‘Beyond Shrewsbury, Cadfael, though only just beyond.

He’s turned back a matter of a few miles to us, for reason enough. The last he can discover of Peter Clemence is that he stayed the night of the eighth day of September with a household to which he’s a distant cousin on the wife’s side. And where do you think that was? At Leoric Aspley’s manor, down in the edge of the Long Forest.’

‘Do you tell me!’ Cadfael stared, sharply attentive now. The eighth of the month, and a week or so later comes the steward Fremund with his lord’s request that the younger son of the house should be received, at his own earnest wish, into the cloister. Post hoc is not propter hoc, however. And in any case, what connection could there possibly be between one man’s sudden discovery that he felt a vocation, and another man’s overnight stay and morning departure? ‘Canon Eluard knew he would make one of his halts there? The kinship was known?’

‘Both the kinship and his intent, yes, known both to Bishop Henry and to Eluard. The whole manor saw him come, and have told freely how he was entertained there. The whole manor, or very near, saw him off on his journey next morning. Aspley and his steward rode the first mile with him, with the household and half the neighbours to see them go. No question, he left there whole and brisk and well-mounted.’

‘How far to his next night’s lodging? And was he expected there?’ For if he had announced his coming, then someone should have been enquiring for him long since.

‘According to Aspley, he intended one more halt at Whitchurch, a good halfway to his destination, but he knew he could find easy lodging there and had not sent word before. There’s no trace to be found of him there, no one saw or heard of him.’

‘So between here and Whitchurch the man is lost?’

‘Unless he changed his plans and his route, for which, God knows, there could be reasons, even here in my writ,’ said Hugh ruefully, ‘though I hope it is not so. We keep the best order anywhere in this realm, or so I claim, challenge me who will, but even so I doubt it good enough to make passage safe everywhere. He may have heard something that caused him to turn aside. But the bleak truth of it is, he’s lost. And all too long!’

‘And Canon Eluard wants him found?’

‘Dead or alive,’ said Hugh grimly. ‘For so will Henry want him found, and an account paid by someone for his price, for he valued him.’

‘And the search is laid upon you?’ said Cadfael.

‘Not in such short terms, no. Eluard is a fair-minded man, he takes a part of the load upon him, and doesn’t grudge. But this shire is my business, under the sheriff, and I pick up my share of the burden. Here is a scholar and a cleric vanished where my writ runs. That I do not like,’ said Hugh, in the ominously soft voice that had a silver lustre about it like bared steel.

Cadfael came to the question that was uppermost in his mind. ‘And why, then, having the witness of Aspley and all his house at his disposal, did Canon Eluard feel it needful to turn back these few miles to Shrewsbury?’ But already he knew the answer.

‘Because, my friend, you have here the younger son of that house, new in his novitiate. He is thorough, this Canon Eluard. He wants word from even the stray from that tribe. Who knows which of all that manor may not have noticed the one thing needful?’

It was a piercing thought; it stuck in Cadfael’s mind, quivering like a dart. Who knows, indeed? ‘He has not questioned the boy yet?’

‘No, he would not disrupt the evening offices for such a matter—nor his good supper, either,’ added Hugh with a brief grin. ‘But tomorrow he’ll have him into the guests’ parlour and go over the affair with him, before he goes on southward to join the king at Westminster, and prompt him to go and make sure of Chester and Roumare, while he can.’

‘And you will be present at that meeting,’ said Cadfael with certainty.

‘I shall be present. I need to know whatever any man can tell me to the point, if a man has vanished by foul means within my jurisdiction. This is now as much my business as it is Eluard’s.’

‘You’ll tell me,’ said Cadfael confidently, ‘what the lad has to say, and how he bears himself?’

‘I’ll tell you,’ said Hugh, and rose to take his leave.

As it turned out, Meriet bore himself with stoical calm during that interview in the parlour, in the presence of Abbot Radulfus, Canon Eluard and Hugh Beringar, the powers here of both church and state. He answered questions simply and directly, without apparent hesitation.

Yes, he had been present when Master Clemence came to break his journey at Aspley. No, he had not been expected, he came unheralded, but the house of his kinsmen was open to him whenever he would. No, he had not been there more than once before as a guest, some years ago, he was now a man of affairs, and kept about his lord’s person. Yes, Meriet himself had stabled the guest’s horse, and groomed, watered and fed him, while the women had made Master Clemence welcome within. He was the son of a cousin of Meriet’s mother, who was some two years dead now—the Norman side of the family. And his entertainment? The best they could lay before him in food and drink, music after the supper, and one more guest at the table, the daughter of the neighbouring manor who was affianced to Meriet’s elder brother Nigel. Meriet spoke of the occasion with wide-open eyes and clear, still countenance.

‘Did Master Clemence say what his errand was?’ asked Hugh suddenly. ‘Tell where he was bound and for what purpose?’

‘He said he was on the bishop of Winchester’s business. I don’t recall that he said more than that while I was there. But there was music after I left the hall, and they were still seated. I went to see that all was done properly in the stable. He may have said more to my father.’

‘And in the morning?’ asked Canon Eluard.

‘We had all things ready to serve him when he rose, for he said he must be in the saddle early. My father and Fremund, our steward, with two grooms, rode with him the first mile of his way, and I, and the servants, and Isouda …”

‘Isouda?’ said Hugh, pricking his ears at a new name. Meriet had passed by the mention of his brother’s betrothed without naming her.

‘She is not my sister, she is heiress to the manor of Foriet, that borders ours on the southern side. My father is her guardian and manages her lands, and she lives with us.’ A younger sister of small account, his tone said, for once quite unguarded. ‘She was with us to watch Master Clemence from our doors with all honour, as is due.’

‘And you saw no more of him?’

‘I did not go with them. But my father rode a piece more than is needful, for courtesy, and left him on a good track.’

Hugh had still one more question. ‘You tended his horse. What like was it?’

‘A fine beast, not above three years old, and mettlesome.’ Meriet’s voice kindled into enthusiasm, ‘A tall dark bay, with white blaze on his face from forehead to nose, and two white forefeet.’

Noteworthy enough, then, to be readily recognised when found, and moreover, to be a prize for someone. ‘If somebody wanted the man out of this world, for whatever reason,’ said Hugh to Cadfael afterwards in the herb garden, ‘he would still have a very good use for such a horse as that.

And somewhere between here and Whitchurch that beast must be, and where he is there’ll be threads to take up and follow. If the worst comes to it, a dead man can be hidden, but a live horse is going to come within some curious soul’s sight, sooner or later, and sooner or later I shall get wind of it.’

Cadfael was hanging up under the eaves of his hut the rustling bunches of herbs newly dried out at the end of the summer, but he was giving his full attention to Hugh’s report at the same time. Meriet had been dismissed without, on the face of it, adding anything to what Canon Eluard had already elicited from the rest of the Aspley household. Peter Clemence had come and gone in good health, well-mounted, and with the protection of the bishop of Winchester’s formidable name about him. He had been escorted civilly a mile on his way. And vanished.

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Categories: Peters, Ellis