Phule Me Twice by Robert Asprin & Peter J. Heck

Qual nodded, then asked, “And there is nothing to distinguish between those cases?”

Sushi looked up from his machine and said, “Nothing objective; the signal’s growing stronger, which could mean a closer distance. But I assume that people only a few feet away from one another have some way more effective than radio signals to communicate.”

“That is not an infallible assumption,” said Qual. “One could postulate a race that sees radio frequencies the way we do visible light, and uses them to communicate. After all, Garbo and I see deeper into the infrared than you do.”

“Yeah, and we humans can hear lower pitches than either of you,” said Sushi. “I know it’s possible, Qual, I’m just trying to keep the number of variables down to a bare minimum until something proves I need to look in other directions. Otherwise, we’ll be spending so much time on woo-woo ideas that the serious probabilities will get lost.”

“How could they get lost?” asked Qual. “They will still be there, even if we are looking at the boo-hoo ideas.”

Sushi grinned, in spite of himself. “You know, Qual, sometimes I think you speak our language better than you let on.”

Qual returned the grin, showing a mouthful of predatory teeth. “I do not speak your language at all, Sushi, it is all done by the translator. Though I understand that the machine can learn from experience, so perhaps that is what you are hearing.”

“Guess that could make sense,” said Sushi. Then his brow wrinkled. “Say, that just gave me an idea. In fact, I feel like an idiot for not thinking of it earlier. If these signals we’re getting are some sort of messages, the translator ought to be able to make sense out of them. Maybe when we stop, I can borrow yours, and we can hook it up to the receiver…”

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