Phule’s Company by Robert Asprin

Joshua made no effort to hide his grimace.

“I see your point,” he conceded, “but will the lieutenant realize he’s being punished? I mean, he’s new to the Legion. He may not even know what an Omega Company is.”

“If not, he’ll learn,” the colonel said grimly. “Well, gentlemen? Are we in agreement?”

With this decision, made out of desperation, a new chapter was begun in the Space Legion’s already spotty history. Without knowing it, the court officers had just provided a head, not to mention a soul and spirit, to the group that was to become known as the Omega Mob, or, as the media liked to call them, Phule’s Company.


Journal File #004*

Some have commented that the executive mind tends to expand work to fill, or overfill, available time. While I will not attempt to comment on the overall accuracy of this statement, it was certainly the case during our preparations prior to departure for my employer’s new assignment.

For my employer, this meant countless shopping expeditions, both in person and by computer. As you will note in these chronicles, unlike many of his financial level, he was never reluctant to part with his money. In fact, when confronted by a choice of two items, he seemed to invariably solve the dilemma by simply purchasing both-a habit I found less than endearing as I was the one required to store and track these acquisitions.

Of course, his pursuit of equipment and wardrobe meant that other important chores tended to be neglected … such as conducting research on the situation which we had been thrust into. As is so often the case, I felt compelled to step into this void rather than allow my employer to begin this new endeavor without proper preparation.

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