Phule’s Company by Robert Asprin

Finally the director concluded his explanation-or gave up-and raised his voice, announcing the first bout.

“Our first event this evening will be saber,” the speakers boomed. “With this weapon, either the point or edge can be used on the attack. The target area is from the hipline up, including the arms, head, and back.”

The man paused to consult his notes.

“Representing the Red Eagels of the Regular Army will be Isaac Corbin, who held the Tri-Planetary Saber Championship for five years in a row!”

O’Donnel swore lightly under his breath as a surprised murmur swept through the audience. He had hoped Corbin’s record would go unnoticed or at least escape comment. As it was, before the bout had even started, the Legion’s representative would be seen as an underdog. If he lost, it would be expected, and if he won, if would be an upset!

“And representing the Space Legion, Sergeant Escrima, who has never fenced saber before this evening!”

This time, the major ignored the crowd’s surprised reaction as he snatched the lineup list from his pocket and studied it quickly.

There it was: Sergeant Escrima … Saber! He had been so wrapped up thinking about his own bout and the woman foilist that he had completely overlooked the posting for saber!

Sure enough, the demonstrator had surrendered his sticks and was being helped into a fencing jacket and mask by two Legionnaires.

Not a bad idea, O’Donnel thought with a tight smile, running a totally unpredictable opponent at the champion by bringing in a nonfencer. Still, he doubted it would make much difference. Corbin was simply far too seasoned a veteran to be rattled by the antics of a beginner.

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