Phule’s Company by Robert Asprin

“Oh yeah? Well, there’s a big difference between baggage and transporting a person.”

The Legionnaire was studying the ship.

“That’s a Cosmos 1427, isn’t it, Captain? I believe it sleeps six comfortably. Realizing this is a charter flight and there are no other passengers, I’m sure we can find room for Beeker somewhere. “

“That’s not the point,” the pilot insisted. “It takes paperwork and clearances to transport a person to another planet. I got no orders for this Beeker guy.”

“As a matter of fact,” Phule said, reaching into his jacket pocket, “I have the necessary paper right here.”

“You do?”

“Certainly. I couldn’t expect you to break regulations on my say-so, could I?”

He dropped something onto the pilot’s clipboard. “Hey! This isn’t …

“Study it carefully, Captain. I’m sure you’ll see that everything’s in order.”

The pilot stared in silence, which wasn’t surprising. In fact, Phule found it was the usual reaction of laymen when suddenly confronted with a thousand-credit note.

“I … guess this will cover the necessary clearances,” the pilot said slowly, unable to take his eyes from the money.

“Good.” Phule nodded. “Now, if you’ll just show the porters where to stow my luggage, we can be under way.”

Journal File #007

In reviewing my entries so far, I notice that the comments regarding my employer’s preparations for his new assignment seem less than complimentary. Please realize that we are two separate people with different modes of setting priorities. While we more than occasionally disagree, my noting of those differences is not intended as criticism, but rather an effort for completeness. The fact that I am the one keeping this record gives me a certain advantage in stating my opinions and preferences, and while I shall endeavor to keep my observations as impartial as possible, there is an understandable slanting where my own role in the proceedings is concerned. I trust you will take that into account in your readings.

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