Phule’s Company by Robert Asprin

“I figure it’s wiser than opening fire on them if there’s a chance they’re friendly … or cooling our heels out here while they get ready to attack if they’re not,” the commander said. “One way or the other, we’ve got to find out what their intentions are.”

“By setting yourself up to be a duck in a shooting gallery?” Brandy frowned. “Don’t you think it would be better to send someone out who’s a little more expendable than you are, Captain? We really don’t need our chain of command blown apart on the first salvo.”

“Lieutenant Rembrandt will be in command in my absence, however temporary or permanent that may be. Besides”-Phule flashed his smile again-“I don’t intend to be completely vulnerable out there. How far did you say Do-Wop was from the alien when he squeezed off his shot?”

“About fifty meters. Why?”

“That means they can’t be sure of the maximum range of our weapons. It’s my intention to try to set up this little powwow well within small-arms range. Believe me, I won’t mind having a little extra cover while I’m out there. Now pass the word … I’m going out in five minutes.”

“Yes, sir.”

“And Sergeant? If you don’t mind doing me a favor, double-check to be sure everyone has his safety on. I’m not that wild about being downrange of this trigger-happy bunch.”

Obviously I am not privy to the personalities or procedures present in the alien force we were facing, so this next portion is pure speculation as to the goings-on in the alien craft. Two things, however, lead me to believe my reconstruction is not totally inaccurate.

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