Phule’s Company by Robert Asprin

“But if Captain Jester is not going to be punished, why was he relieved of command and placed under house arrest right after that incident?” the reporter persisted.

“The Space Legion felt it was its obligation to the citizens of the civilized planets we serve to suspend Captain Jester’s authority until an investigation could be conducted to determine the propriety, not to mention the legality, of his actions.”

General Blitzkrieg was one of the three ranking officers who made up the board which governed the Legion. Though he was as startled as Battleax at their reception, he was also nearing retirement and quickly reached the decision that a little media exposure wouldn’t hurt his efforts to obtain postretirement employment. If nothing else, it might increase his chances of finding a publisher for his memoirs.

“So your actual purpose here is to perform that investigation rather than to court-martial Captain Jester as rumored?” Jennie said, shifting her attention easily to the talker of the group.

“That is correct,” the general said, “though we are prepared to convene a court-martial if the investigation warrants it.”

Blitzkrieg had only meant to cover himself for when the anticipated court-martial took place, but the reporter pounced on his implication.

“Could you tell our viewers why Captain Jester, who recently averted a potentially hostile alien invasion of the settlement here on Haskin’s Planet, might be subject to court-martial and discipline by the Space Legion?”

The general leveled his best steely gaze at the reporter.

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