Phule’s Company by Robert Asprin

He paused to smile at the reviewing officers.

“I imagine the tax boys might try to find some basis to challenge the deal, but I suggest we leave that to the battery of lawyers Phule-Proof Munitions employs for just such disputes. Repeating my initial assertion, I see no reason why such a question of legality, if it arises at all, should involve the Space Legion … or, specifically, me or my command.”

After the brief media conference where it was announced that Captain Jester of the Space Legion had not only been cleared of any charges of misconduct but decorated for his handling of the Zenobian episode, that notable retired to the nearest bar, which happened to be in the spaceport, for a quiet drink.

“I’ll tell you, Beeker, that’s a load off my mind. For a while I thought they were going to shoot me just out of general principles.”

“It’s good to see you vindicated, sir … if I may say so,” the butler agreed, raising his own glass in a small toast.

“The company showing up like that didn’t hurt at all,” the commander mused. “How did they react when the company portfolio profits were announced?”

“I don’t believe the announcement has been made yet, sir. The lieutenants seemed a bit preoccupied with the preparations for today’s demonstration when I passed the information to them.”

“Good,” Phule said. “I’ll tell them myself. I wonder how they’ll take to being suddenly wealthy?”

“I’ve been meaning to ask for some time, sir. Is what you’re doing with the portfolio aboveboard … legally and ethically?”

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