Phule’s Company by Robert Asprin

“Well, think it over, Sergeant. If, in the end, you figure it’s not even worth a try, let me know and I’ll arrange for your transfer. “

“Thank you, sir,” Brandy said, rising to her feet and saluting. “I’ll think about it.”

“And Brandy …

“Yes, sir?”

“Think about giving yourself a chance, too.”


Phule opened his eyes to find his butler standing in the doorway of his office.

“Yes, Beeker?”

“Excuse me for intruding, sir, but … what with the relocation scheduled for tomorrow … Well, sir, I thought you should try to get at least a few hours sleep.”

The commander rose, yawning and stretching his cramped limbs.

“Right, as always, Beeker. What would I do without you?”

“I’m sure I don’t know, sir. Did the meetings go well?”

Phule shrugged. “Not as well as I hoped … better than I feared. There were a few moments, though. Brandy-that’s the top sergeant-actually saluted me before she left.”

“Quite an achievement in itself, sir,” Beeker said, gently steering his charge through the door.

“And Rembrandt-that’s the lieutenant who wants to be an artist after my interview with her and Armstrong, she hung back for a moment and asked if I’d be willing to pose for her. I thought she meant for a portrait … took me a bit aback when I realized she wanted to do a nude study.”

“I see. Did you accept?”

“I told her I’d think about it. It’s rather flattering, in a way, considering the number of subjects she has to choose from. Besides, it might be a nice gesture to help her with her art career …

I really didn’t think it was my place to inform my employer … Actually I didn’t have the heart or the courage to tell him, and so left it for him to discover on his own. I had already had the opportunity to study Lieutenant Rembrandt’s work, both finished paintings and works in progress. Without exception, she had devoted herself to landscapes … until now, that is.

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