Phule’s Paradise by Robert Asprin

“Very well, Mr. Phule,” the manager said, making up his mind. “I’ll do it. There are a few matters I have to clear up before I go, but they shouldn’t take more than an hour or two. Then I’ll be on my way.”

The image smiled. “Excellent. Welcome aboard, Bombest. I’ll be looking forward to seeing you.”

After the connection was broken, Bombest had a few moments to reflect on the call which had just turned his immediate future topsy-turvy.

To his surprise, he realized that the money being offered had not been the major factor in his decision, though it had paved the way. The real deciding point was that he had been flattered at the lengths to which the Legionnaire commander had gone to obtain his services. For someone of Willard Phule’s stature and experience to say you were the best he knew at what you did and that he needed you was enough to make you move heaven and earth to prove his opinion of you justified.

For the first time, Bombest began to understand exactly how it was that Phule was able to get zealous loyalty where others were hard-pressed to get obedience.


Journal #227

To say the final days before the casino’s grand opening were a study in freneticism would be like saying Genghis Khan dabbled in real estate.

There were a myriad details to be handled, and my employer, with his customary tendency to position himself in the heart of things, managed to involve himself with most of them.

Of course, they all had to be dealt with immediately.

“I was told I could find Captain Jester here?”

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