Phule’s Paradise by Robert Asprin

It is worth noting, however, for both the casual reader and the student of military behavior, that however minor or token a diversion might be, for the direct participants the action is very real.

“You’d think they’d have caught on by now,” Kong King said, glancing at the door next to the loading dock as the electric delivery van pulled away. “That’s the third shipment we’ve turned away.”

“They’ll figure it out soon enough.” Stilman didn’t even turn his head. “Restaurants need fresh food to operate. You’re sure you’ve got your orders straight?”

Kong knew his orders, as did his four confederates. They had heard them often enough: no fewer than a dozen times even before they took up their station at the casino’s delivery entrance. If anything, it was a bit insulting that the headman felt it was necessary to repeat things to them so often. He kept his annoyance to himself, however. He had worked with Stilman several times before and knew the ex-astroball player wasn’t someone you mouthed off to.

“We go through the motions of shutting down deliveries to the kitchen until a security guard shows up,” he said as if for the first time. “Then we let him run us off. No rough stuff beyond harsh words and maybe a little shoving.”

“That’s right,” Stilman said with a minute nod. “Remember. No rough stuff.”

“These security guards … all they have is tranquilizer darts in their guns. Right?”

Stilman turned slowly until he was facing the thug who raised the question.

“That’s what I told you,” he said. “Do you have a problem with that?”

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