Phule’s Paradise by Robert Asprin

Far more important to me, however, was the evidence of growing bad blood between the forces led by my employer and those reporting to Laverna’s employer. This concerned me since, to the best of my knowledge, both leaders seemed unaware of the tensions building in the levels under them.


Journal #234

There is much made of the satisfaction felt by a commander when a plan comes together.

Obviously I cannot comment on the conduct of all, or even the majority of, military commanders under these circumstances, but the behavior of my employer on the opening day of the Fat Chance Casino showed little of this passive enjoyment. Rather, he was more like an insecure party hostess, hurrying here and there and busying himself with countless details, dealing with both important and minor chores with equal intensity.

Huey Martin was in the middle of getting dressed when he was interrupted by an insistent hammering on the door of his suite. This was both annoying and puzzling, as people rarely visited his room, and never without calling in advance.

“Who is it?” he called, hurrying to button his shirt.

Instead of an answer, he heard the sound of a key in his lock. Before he could protest, the door slammed open and the commander of the casino’s security force strode into the room, followed closely by two guards … and Gunther Rafael himself!

A sudden pang of fear stabbed at the casino manager’s gut, but gambler’s reflex kept him from showing his emotions openly.

“What’s going on?” he demanded indignantly. “I’m trying to get ready for the opening.”

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