Phule’s Paradise by Robert Asprin

“I’m aware of that, Captain … now more than before, I’m afraid.”

“Excuse me?”

“I was going to extend my personal apologies for what happened tonight, as well as my assurances that it was not done at my orders. It seems, however, my apologies would have been a bit premature … all things considered.”

“Forgive me, Mrs. Pruet, but I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Oh, come now, Captain. I’m sure neither of us believes in coincidence. Do you really expect me to accept that it was sheer chance that Mr. Stilman was brutally beaten so soon after his attack on your members?”

“You can believe what you like,” Phule said tersely, “but whatever happened, I’m unaware of it.”

“I see.” Max’s voice was thoughtful. “Very well, Captain, I’ll believe you … if for no other reason than I can’t think of why you would claim ignorance if you were responsible, since there has clearly been provocation. I’ll admit that it struck me as strange that you’d use outside help rather than your own troops. For your information, however, the person responsible for the attack on your people tonight, Mr. Stilman-I believe you’re familiar with the name, if not the person-is currently receiving medical attention for a shattered kneecap as well as multiple breakage to his jawbone. As I said, the coincidence is a bit too much for credibility, so I suggest you make inquiries within your own forces as to who ordered the attack.”

“Excuse me, did you say that he’s here? At this clinic?”

“No, Captain. He’s at another facility. We have several clinics here on Lorelei, though it’s not highly publicized. I felt it would create an unnecessarily messy situation if he were treated at the same location as your people. In fact, I’ll be having him shipped off-station for intensive care on the next available ship. While I am far from pleased with his independent action, we take care of our own, too.”

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