Phule’s Paradise by Robert Asprin

“Quit scaring the troops, C.H.,” the top sergeant said softly. “At least ease up a bit until we find out for sure what we’re getting dropped into. Our captain’s done a pretty good job of looking out for us so far. Let’s give him the benefit of the doubt for a while-at least until we hear something for sure.”

It was a tribute to Phule’s personnel management techniques that Brandy, who was once the biggest cynic in the company if not the entire Space Legion, was now a major advocate of optimism, however cautious.

“Oh, you don’t have to worry about me backin’ him up, Top,” Harry assured her. “The cap’n’s done all right by me so far, and I ain’t one to forget someone who’s given me a hand up any more’n I’m likely to forget someone who kicked me when I was down. I just get a little intolerant when kids with no scars start tellin’ me how great flghtin’ is.”

Brandy shrugged. “They’ll learn soon enough. Besides, if too many of ’em wise up too quick, then we end up out front when the shooting starts.”

“Lord have mercy!” C.H. exclaimed, rolling his eyes in exaggerated horror, then laughed again. “I never thought of it that way. All right, Brandy, you win. I’ll keep my mouth off the troops until they’ve seen the light all by themselves.”

“Good.” The top sergeant nodded. “You see, the way I figure it, if the noncoms don’t-“


The company commander had just entered the room flanked by his two junior officers, and while military courtesy was an option in the Space Legion, the company held him in enough respect and esteem that they rose to their feet as a unit and saluted, holding the pose until he returned the gesture.

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