Phule’s Paradise by Robert Asprin

“On vacation?” the colonel purred. “I was … as you very well know. It just so happens that my itinerary included a stop on Lorelei. You can imagine my surprise when I ran into Captain Jester and his troops here, especially since I hadn’t heard a thing about this assignment before I left Headquarters.”

“Ummm … yes, of course,” Blitzkrieg mumbled, obviously uncomfortable. “So you were in charge when all this was happening?”

“Not at all.” Battleax smiled. “I’m merely a tourist while I’m on vacation. In fact, great pains were taken to be sure everyone knew I wasn’t in the chain of command here.”

“I …”

“No need to apologize, General,” the colonel continued. “I can understand your concern that I might have inadvertently usurped your power, but I can assure you that you’re still responsible for everything that Captain Jester and his troops do on this assignment.”

“What’s that?” The general looked stricken.

“I’m simply reminding you that as the one who gave this assignment to Captain Jester, you are his immediate superior officer for the duration, and as such are ultimately responsible for anything he might do or order while under your direct command,” Battleax explained. “Of course, if no inquiries are convened and no one of civil or Legion authority openly questions his activities, then nothing out of the ordinary will ever show in the records and the entire assignment will be filed as being routine. Do you see my point, General?”

“Yes, I see,” Blitzkrieg growled.

“I thought you would. Now, unless there’s anything else of an urgent nature, do you mind if we conclude this interview? Captain Jester and I were just enjoying a quiet drink in his room.”

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