Phule’s Paradise by Robert Asprin

With that, he beat a hasty but dignified retreat from the meeting.


Journal # 174

It seemed that while my employer might have sorely underestimated the reaction of his Legionnaires to his plan, he also underestimated the fierce loyalty they felt toward him … a loyalty, I might add, which appeared to be growing steadily.

If, by the way, it seems to you that these accounts always start with an apparently endless parade of meetings, both group and individual, I can only say that this happens to be my employer’s particular style of management. Whenever possible, he likes to talk with those in his employment or under his command, both to keep them informed and to learn their reactions to his plans. If anything, I have tried to spare you the tedium of the meetings and discussions he had with the Legionnaires on a weekly and sometimes on a daily basis by omitting them from these journals. Those affecting major events, however, such as the ones in this section, must be included for completeness of my account.

I should also note, as it will become apparent in this section, that while my position still is an individual contractual arrangement with my employer rather than with the Space Legion, I did take a larger role in this assignment than normal.

Beeker raised a speculative eyebrow as Phule stormed into the office.

“Difficult meeting, sir?”

“Difficult?” Phule snarled. “How does `open revolt’ sound?”

“Frankly, sir, it sounds unbelievable,” the butler said, choosing to ignore the redundant nature of his employer’s question. “While your troops may be occasionally unhappy with your orders, I seriously doubt they would ever challenge your position as their leader. Their respect for you borders on reverence.”

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