Phule’s Paradise by Robert Asprin

Phule hesitated for a moment, then gave a curt nod.

“All right then. Check back with me in the next couple days and we’ll start working up a cover for you.”

“Oh, don’t you worry none about that,” Harry said, uncoiling from the door frame as he got ready to depart. “Except for maybe a little travelin’ cash, I figure I’ll do my own job huntin’. That way, if HQ wants to complain about it later, they can’t get on your case as an accomplice.”

“Sergeant Escrima … reporting for volunteering.”

Phule’s smile came easily as he returned the ramrod-stiff salute. He had a genuine fondness for the company’s feisty little mess sergeant, though perhaps “feisty” was a poor description. Escrima was easily the deadliest fighter in the company, especially with sticks or any cut-and-thrust weapon.

“Stand easy, Sergeant,” he said. “I’ll admit I’m glad to see you volunteering. I rather hoped you would.”

“Mmmm … Company stay in hotel, nothing for cook to do.” Escrima shrugged, relaxing his pose only slightly.

“My thoughts exactly.” The commander nodded, jotting another note on his pad.”I assume you’re interested in us finding you work in the restaurant kitchen?”

The cook gave a quick nod. “Things can go wrong in a kitchen-too many things. Need someone there to watch for”-he gestured with his hand slightly as he searched for the right word-“too many accidents. Bad for food … bad for business.”

Phule leaned back in his chair.

“Now, you realize that you probably won’t be head cook or chef for the casino hotel … that you’ll probably have to report to someone else.”

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