Phule’s Paradise by Robert Asprin

“I suppose just taking it easy and enjoying your retirement wasn’t included on your list of options?”

“Not bloody likely,” the Legionnaire snorted. “The Army always kept me busy-until one of their computers started counting up my birthdays, that is. After years of keeping the lads busy, with `make-work’ assignments, the idea of just doing nothing sounded uncomfortably like being dead. I mean, sir, inactive is inactive, whether you’re sittin’ in a rocker or six feet under.”

“It sounds like you had some rank before you retired,” Phule observed cautiously.

“Let’s just say I was a noncom and leave it at that, sir. I’ve been trying not to make a big thing of my experience. Seen too many new blokes to an outfit come in ringing the mission bell and preaching to the heathens how they should be doing things. The noncoms you have seem to be doing a right good job, especially since you got them back on track. Truth is, it’s been a bit of a treat for me to be back in the ranks-letting others do the thinking and just following orders.”

“I see,” Phule said, then reached for his notepad. “Well, Moustache, I’m afraid your vacation is over, as of now. I’m refusing your offer as a volunteer, and instead am assigning you duty as an acting sergeant for this assignment. We’ll see about making it permanent when it’s all over.”

“Yes, sir. Very good, sir.”

The Legionnaire snapped into a rigid, parade-ground salute, but Phule did not return it immediately.

“Just one more thing, Moustache. Excuse me for asking, but exactly what is that accent you have, anyway?”

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