Phule’s Paradise by Robert Asprin

“Good luck, Captain,” Tiffany chirped as he turned to leave.

“Thank you … umm …”

“Tiffany,” she supplied with a smile, arching her back slightly.

The commander’s eyes flickered over her, a bit more slowly than when he had been assessing Doc’s son.

“Right,” he said. “Well … later.”

“Wipe your chin, Tiffany,” Lex said softly, nudging her as she watched the commander walk away. “Really. I thought you liked them a bit broader in the shoulder than that.”

“He has other attractions,” the actress purred, following the Captain with predator’s eyes.

“Oh? Like what?”

She glanced at him in genuine surprise.

“You mean you really don’t know?” she said. “My God, I spotted him as soon as he came in for the briefing. He even told us who he was.”

Lex shrugged. “So he’s rich. So what?”

“Rich doesn’t start to cover it,” Tiffany insisted. “That, gentlemen, is Willard Phule, the fourth richest man in the universe under forty-five who isn’t gay or married and monogamous.”

Doc frowned. “How do you know that?”

“How does a bug know when it’s going to rain?” Lex said dryly. “Yes, I start to see the attraction he has for you, Tiff.”

“Hey, a girl’s got to look out for her future,” the actress said. “Our business trades on looks, and makeup can only cover so much so long. Catch you later, guys. I have more questions to ask our captain just to make sure he doesn’t forget who I am.”


Journal #203

Despite the dubious beginning, relations between the Legionnaires and the actor/auxiliaries improved steadily during our voyage to Lorelei. While not quite accepting their new comrades into the fold, the company seemed at least willing not to condemn them as a group, judging them instead on their performance and character traits as individuals.

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