Pilgrim by Sara Douglas

NORDMUTH: the port at the mouth of the River Nordra.

NORDRA, River: the great river that is the main lifeline of Achar. Rising in the Icescarp

Alps, the River Nordra flows through the Avarinheim before flowing through northern and

central Achar. It is used for irrigation, transport and fishing.

OGDEN: one of the Sentinels, brother to Veremund.

ORDER OF THE STARS: the order of nine priestesses who keep watch in the Temple of

the Stars. Every priestess gives up her own name upon taking orders.

ORMOND: a soldier in Zared‘s army.

ORR: the Charonite Ferryman. Now dead.

PACE: see ‗Distances‘.

PALESTAR SNAPWING: an Icarii Enchanter.

PALMSTAR SWEPTNEST: an Enchanter of the Minaret Peaks.

PARLENDER, Wilfred: Prime Notary of Carlon.

PIRATES‘ NEST: for many centuries the common name of the Island of Mist and

Memory and still the haunt of pirates.

PIRATES‘ TOWN: the town in the northern harbour of the Island of Mist and Memory.

PLOUGH, The: under the rule of the Seneschal each Acharite village had a Plough,

which not only served to plough the fields, but was also the centre of their worship of the Way of

the Plough.

PLOUGH-KEEPERS: the Seneschal assigned a Brother to each village in Achar, and

these men were often known as Plough-Keepers.

PORS: one of the nine Icarii Star Gods, Pors is the God of Air.

PRIVY CHAMBER: the large chamber in the ancient royal palace of Carlon where the

Achar‘s Privy Council once met.

PROPHECY OF THE DESTROYER: an ancient Prophecy that told of the rise of

Gorgrael in the north and the StarMan who could stop him.

PROUDFLIGHT: a member of the Lake Guard.

PUMSTER, Netherem: Master Bell-Maker of Carlon.

QETEB: the Demon of Destruction that wastes at Midday. His life parts are scattered

about Tencendor, and the rest of the TimeKeepers need to gather them up in order to effect his


QUESTORS, The: a term the TimeKeepers occasionally gave themselves to dupe


RAINBOW SCEPTRE: a weapon constructed of the life of the five Sentinels, the power

of the craft that lie at the bottom of the Sacred Lakes, and the power of the Earth Tree. Axis used

it to destroy Gorgrael, and Drago stole it and took it through the Star Gate with him.

RASPU: one of the TimeKeeper Demons, Raspu is the Demon of dusk, and of pestilence.

RAUM: once a Bane of the Avar people, now the sacred White Stag.

RAVENCREST SUNSOAR: previous Talon of the Icarii people, father of FreeFall and

brother to StarDrifter.

RAVENSBUND: the extreme northern province of Tencendor.

RAVENSBUNDMEN: the inhabitants of Ravensbund.

RENKIN, Goodwife: a peasant woman of northern Arcness who is often a disguise for

the Mother. The Goodwife helped Faraday plant out Minstrelsea, finally leaving to wander the


RHAETIA: small area of Achar situated in the western Bracken Ranges.

RIVERSTAR SUNSOAR: third child of Axis and Azhure. Twin sister to Drago

(DragonStar). She is now dead. Drago was convicted of her murder, but many suspected that the

true murderer was RiverStar‘s secret lover.

RIVKAH: Princess of Achar, mother to Borneheld, Axis, EvenSong and Zared. Married

to Prince Magariz. Now dead.

ROMSDALE: a province to the south west of Carlon that mainly produces wine. It is

administered by Baron Marrat.

ROSCIC: Chamberlain of Askam‘s Household.

ROX: one of the TimeKeeper Demons, Rox is the Demon of night, and of terror.

SACRED GROVE, The: the most sacred spot of the Avar people, the Sacred Grove is

rarely visited by ordinary mortals. Normally the Banes are the only members of the Avar race

who know the paths to the Grove.

SACRED LAKES, The: the four magical lakes of Tencendor: Grail Lake, Cauldron

Lake, Fernbrake Lake (or the Mother) and the Lake of Life. According to myth, the lakes were

formed during Fire-Night when ancient gods fell through the skies and crashed to Tencendor. At

the bottom of each lake lie the craft of the Enemy, containing Qeteb‘s life parts.

SA‘DOMAI: Chief of the Ravensbundmen, son of Ho‘Demi.

SANDMEYER, Gregoric: Mayor of Carlon.

SEAGRASS PLAINS: the vast grain plains that form most of Skarabost.

SENESCHAL, The: once the all-powerful religious organisation of Achar. The Religious

Brotherhood of the Seneschal was extremely powerful and played a major role, not only in

everyday life, but also in the political life of the nation. It taught obedience to the one god, Artor the Ploughman, and the Way of the Plough.

SENTINELS: five magical creatures of the Prophecy of the Destroyer. Originally

Charonites, they were recruited by WolfStar (in his guise of the Prophet) in order to serve the

Prophecy. They gave their lives to form the Rainbow Sceptre.

SEPULCHRE OF THE MOON: a cave on Temple Mount, the haunt of the Star Gods.

SEVERIN: a new town built by Prince Magariz as the replacement capital of Ichtar.

SHEOL: one of the TimeKeeper Demons, Sheol is the Demon of mid-afternoon, and


SHRA: the senior Bane of the Avar. As a girl she was saved from death by Axis.

SICARIUS: leader of the pack of Alaunt hounds. One of the Lesser immortals.

SIGHOLT: one of the great magical Keeps of Tencendor, situated on the shores of the

Lake of Life in the Urqhart Hills in Ichtar. Caelum‘s personal home.

SILENT WOMAN KEEP: one of the magical Keeps of Tencendor, it lies in the centre of

the Silent Woman Woods.

SILENT WOMAN WOODS: an ancient wood in southern Arcness, now joined to the


SILTON: one of the nine Icarii Star Gods, Silton is the God of Fire.

SKARABOST: large eastern province of Achar which grows much of the realm‘s grain


SKRAELINGS: creatures of the frozen northern wastes who fought for Gorgrael.

SKYLAZER BITTERFALL: a member of the Lake Guard.

SMYRTON: formerly a large village in northern Skarabost, it was destroyed by Azhure

for its close association to the Plough God, Artor.

SONG OF CREATION: a Song which can, according to Icarii and Avar legend, actually

create life itself.

SONG OF RECREATION: one of the most powerful Icarii enchantments which can

literally recreate life in the dying. It cannot, however, make the dead rise again. Only the most

powerful Enchanters can sing this Song.

SORCERY: see ‗Magic‘.

SPIKEFEATHER TRUESONG: once a member of the Strike Force, SpikeFeather spent

years as Orr‘s apprentice. No-one knows the waterways as well as he does.

SPIREDORE: one of the magical Keeps of Tencendor. Azhure‘s tower.

STAR DANCE, The: the source from which the Icarii Enchanters derive their power. It is

the music made by the stars in their eternal dance through the heavens. The music of the Star

Dance died when the TimeKeepers plunged through the Star Gate and destroyed it.

STARDRIFTER: an Icarii Enchanter, father to Gorgrael, Axis and EvenSong.

STARFEVER HIGHCREST: Master Secretary of Talon FreeFall‘s palace in the Minaret


STAR FINGER: the tallest mountain in the Icescarp Alps, dedicated to study and

worship. Formerly called Talon Spike.

STAR GATE: one of the sacred sites of the Icarii people, situated underneath the Ancient

Barrows. It is a portal through to the universe.

STAR GODS, The: the nine gods of the Icarii. See separate entries under Axis, Azhure,

Adamon, Xanon, Narcis, Flulia, Pors, Zest and Silton.

STARLAUGHTER SUNSOAR: wife of WolfStar, murdered and thrown through the Star

Gate four thousand years before current events. Now she has returned with the TimeKeeper

Demons, and seeks revenge for her death so many years previously. With her, she carries the

body of her and WolfStar‘s infant son.

STARMAN, The: Axis SunSoar.

STARS, House of the: Axis‘ personal House.

STARSON: the title Axis gave to Caelum.

STRAUM ISLAND: a large island off the coast of Ichtar and inhabited by sealers.

STRIKE FORCE: the military force of the Icarii.

SUNSOAR, House of: the ruling House of the Icarii for many thousands of years.

TAILEM BEND: the great bend in the River Nordra where it turns from its westerly

direction and flows south towards Nordmuth and the Sea of Tyrre.

TALON, The: the hereditary ruler of the Icarii people (and once over all of the peoples of

Tencendor). Generally of the House of SunSoar.

TALON SPIKE: the former name of Star Finger.

TARANTAISE: a rather poor southern province of Achar. Relies on trade for its income.

TARE: small trading town in northern Tarantaise.

TARE, Plains of: the plains that lie between Tare and Grail Lake.

TEKAWAI: the preferred tea of the Ravensbund people, made from the dried seaweed of

the Icebear Coast. It is always brewed and served ceremonially.

TEMPLE MOUNT: the plateau on the top of the massive mountain in the south-east

corner of the Island of Mist and Memory. It houses the Temple Complex.

TEMPLE OF THE STARS: one of the Icarii sacred sites, located on the Island of Mist

and Memory.

TENCENDOR: once the ancient name for the continent of Achar before the Wars of the

Axe, and, under Caelum‘s leadership, the reforged nation of the Acharites, Avar and Icarii.

THREE BROTHERS LAKES, The: three minor lakes in southern Aldeni.

THEOD, Duke of Aldeni: grandson of Duke Roland who aided Axis in his struggle to

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