Pilgrim by Sara Douglas

fell into place.

―Ah,‖ he breathed.

WingRidge laughed again and let Drago‘s hand go. ―So you are to go north, my friend.

Will Faraday go with you?‖


―Good. And your new friend?‖ WingRidge indicated the lizard, now leaning over the

edge of the waterway and splashing at shadows with one of his claws, light glimmering in

shining shards from his talons under and over the water.

―His intentions are hidden from me,‖ Drago said.

WingRidge cocked an eyebrow. ―And you think I know? Not I. The beast is a mystery to

me as well. What else?‖

―You do not know?‖

For the first time WingRidge looked uncomfortable. ―If there is more, then, no, I do not

know it.‖

―Remarkable,‖ Drago said, but grinned to take the sting out of the remark. ―Well, there is

actually a little palatable news. Noah spoke of a Sanctuary somewhere within the waterways.‖

―A Sanctuary?‖ SpikeFeather queried, and WingRidge narrowed his eyes thoughtfully.

Sanctuary. This was news!

But Drago took no notice of WingRidge‘s reaction.

―Gods!‖ he whispered, and shuddered. His eyes lifted upwards, as if he could see through

the tons of rock above them. ―I can feel the Demons on the move. Every hour they are on the

loose more souls are lost.‖

He dropped his gaze to the two birdmen before him. ―I must go north, and I hardly know

these waterways. Can I ask you to—‖

―You know I serve no-one but the StarSon,‖ WingRidge said carefully.

Drago‘s face worked. ―Then in the StarSon‘s name,‖ he said, grating the words out, ―will

you hunt for Sanctuary while I go north?‖

WingRidge grinned at Drago‘s discomfiture. ―You had but to ask, Drago.‖

SpikeFeather hesitated, not wanting to be the one to break the tension, but finally the

words burst out of him:

―Drago, these waterways spread not only under the complete landmass of Tencendor, but

leagues out under the oceans, too. It might take a lifetime— three lifetimes!—to find this


―Nevertheless,‖ Drago said, ―you possibly have a few months. No more. It will not take

the TimeKeepers long to travel between Lakes, and before then we…someone…must manage

the evacuation of Tencendor.‖

―A few months!‖ SpikeFeather muttered.

―I will help,‖ WingRidge said to him. ―The Lake Guard will help. Won‘t it be fun to keep

company, SpikeFeather?‖ He threw an arm about SpikeFeather‘s shoulders. ―You and I. Brothers

in quest.‖

SpikeFeather glared at the Captain. He‘d never seen WingRidge full of such high humour

before. WingRidge kept his arm about SpikeFeather, but again addressed Drago.

―And once you have achieved your north and Gorkenfort, Drago? What then?‖

―I…I don‘t know.‖

―Then I am sure your feet will find the right path,‖ WingRidge said softly. ―Drago, there

is something you must know. WolfStar haunts these waterways. With him he carries the corpse

of a girl-child. I do not know why.‖

Drago frowned, not sure what to make of this. What was WolfStar up to?

―Be careful,‖ he said. ―If WolfStar has a hidden purpose, then he can hardly be trusted.‖

WingRidge grimaced. ―You hardly need tell me that, Drago. But don‘t worry, my friend

and I shall find this Sanctuary. Won‘t we, SpikeFeather?‖

SpikeFeather nodded, his mind full of the problems that conducting a search of the entire

waterways would entail.

He‘d spent at least fifteen years wandering the tunnels and had never had a whiff of this

secret place—and Orr had never mentioned it. Had the Ferryman even heard of its existence, let

alone known its location?

―Come,‖ WingRidge said, and took a step back along the tunnel. ―We have a long—‖

―Wait!‖ Drago cried, and touched the Captain‘s chest as he turned back to face him.

―What‘s that?‖

―This?‖ WingRidge looked down at the maze. ―It represents the Maze, my friend. It

represents my bond to the StarSon.‖

Drago stared at him, then he deftly picked out a golden thread from the embroidery and

dropped it into his sack.

Then he gave a smile, almost apologetic, turned and walked away.

The lizard scampered after him.


Destruction Accepted

Drago retraced his steps through the craft and the crystal forest. When he finally entered

the green shade of the live trees he stopped, hesitated, then turned and plucked one of the golden leaves from one of the crystal trees, and slipped that into his sack as well.

He was not sure why he did so, as he was not sure why he‘d plucked the thread from

WingRidge‘s emblem nor collected some of the dried blood, in each case yielding only to a

sudden urge.

―I am glad you do not ask questions!‖ Drago said to the lizard crouched beside him. It

opened its mouth in a parody of a grin, and then bounded forward. Drago smiled to himself as he

walked the final few paces into the Silent Woman Woods.

Faraday emerged from behind one of the trees, her face relaxing in relief.

―Drago!‖ She halted a pace away from him, her eyes searching his.

―Well?‖ she asked softly.

He stared at her, wondering what she knew. Did she also think…?

―You cannot hide from who you are,‖ Faraday said, watching the denial in Drago‘s face,

―nor from your heritage.‖

She started to say more, but Drago cut her off.

―We have to go north. To Gorkenfort—‖

Sudden emotion flared in Faraday‘s eyes, but Drago did not see it.

―—where,‖ his mouth thinned, ―I must meet with my mother. My ‗ancestral mother‘. Do

you know what this means?‖

Emotion relaxed to puzzlement in Faraday‘s eyes, but she did not question him. She

shook her head. ―What else?‖

―And you are to find that which Noah lost,‖ Drago continued. ―He said you would know

what he meant.‖

―Katie‘s Enchanted Song Book,‖ she said. ―It will, I believe, be a help against Qeteb.‖

At the name of the Midday Demon, Drago stared into the trees at Faraday‘s back.

He took a deep breath. ―Faraday, Noah told me Tencendor must die and Qeteb must

walk. How can I let this be? Gods, how can I let this?‖

Faraday stared at him, almost unable to believe what he‘d said, then she collected herself

and gave him a brief hug. But all she could think of was the land dying, the trees toppling, the

lakes disintegrating, the dust drifting…drifting…

She turned her head aside, not wanting him to see the tears in her eyes.

―It must be,‖ Drago repeated in a soft voice. He was still staring into the forest, almost

unaware of Faraday, and certainly completely unaware of her own distress. ―Whatever it takes, I

will let nothing, nothing, stand in my way. I came back through the Star Gate to help Caelum and to save this land, and damn me to the pits of the AfterLife if I cannot repair the horror I helped sow. ‖

Faraday jerked her gaze back to his face, disturbed by his determination without quite

knowing why. Drago would let nothing stand in the way of his quest. Tencendor would always

come first in his affections and loyalties.

The land would always come first.

Faraday had known another man like that, and had been hurt beyond compare by him.

She turned away and walked back to the donkeys.

They took four days to move back to Zared‘s camp. They could have moved faster, but

both wanted to put off the moment when they would have to share their grim news with Zared.

Both Drago and Faraday, each driven to chronic loneliness by either circumstance or choice, also needed the time to forge the bonds of a friendship that would prove comforting, but not taxing or

dangerous or potentially painful.

Both found themselves very much aware of the other, and aware of the other‘s reaction.

For one that was a welcome surprise, for the other a frightening and unacceptable risk.

―Can you tell me what happened with Gorgrael?‖ Faraday asked one day as the thin

Snow-month sun filtered down through the forest canopy and she caught Drago watching her

from the corner of an eye. The lizard rode with her that day, curled up behind her back, snuggled

between Faraday‘s warmth and that of the donkey.

Drago nodded. His passage back through the Star Gate had shattered all the enchantments

that had crippled his memories. ―I came to awareness early.‖ His voice was very quiet. ―I was

growing in Azhure‘s womb, RiverStar wrapped tightly about me. Maybe the third or fourth

month of life. I knew even then that I had…that I had a task. I believed I should be Axis‘ heir. I

knew it!‖

He turned to stare at Faraday. ―I cannot know how. But I knew it. I was so stupid. I

imagined a life full of greatness and pride, of reverence and of muscle-throbbing power. I

thought of thrones and courts and the masses of Tencendor spread at my feet.‖

Drago‘s eyes slipped back to the path before them. ―I understood the power of both my

parents. I revelled in it.

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