Pilgrim by Sara Douglas

tense against his back.

―That room has ten thousand maps in it,‖ he said softly. ―There are even vaults under the

floor with maps stuffed into cabinets. I would swear that no-one has ever, ever, investigated them all.‖

Sigholt felt empty and spiritless without a member of the SunSoar family in residence.

There were still many people who lived there, and thousands more in Lakesview a little further

about the Lake, but the silvery-grey stones of the Keep seemed duller, as if in mourning.

All present were nervous, and WingRidge and SpikeFeather had no doubts why. The

Demons were on their way, and would be only days distant.

―Can we not do something to help the people here?‖ SpikeFeather said as they crossed

the bridge into Sigholt‘s courtyard. ―Once the Demons arrive…‖

―Lakesview perhaps,‖ WingRidge said, impatient to get to the map room.

―Too close,‖ SpikeFeather said. They had entered the Keep and were now climbing the

steps of the great staircase three at a time. He wished there was more overhead space so they

could fly. ―Perhaps the Urqhart Hills—‖

―And perhaps Sanctuary, if we find a clue here,‖ WingRidge said, flinging open the door

of the map room.

They both came to a halt just inside, looking at the room as if for the first time.

Completely circular, the room had windows opening on to all aspects of the Lake and its

environs. Between the windows were deep map cases filled with maps both rolled up and laid

flat. There was a brazier to one side, filled with wood, but currently unlit, and the very centre of

the room was occupied by a table and several chairs.

It looked purposeless without either Axis or Caelum here, pacing back and forth worrying

out a problem.

―You said there were vaults?‖ SpikeFeather said quietly.

―Yes.‖ WingRidge led the way into the room and then turned to speak quietly to the

half-dozen men and women of the Lake Guard who had accompanied them, setting them to

searching through the map cases about the walls.

Once they were at work, WingRidge motioned SpikeFeather to the western window.

Outside, the Lake ruffled gently, hedged about with its blue mists, but WingRidge ignored the

view and squatted down by the floor.

―Few people know about the vaults,‖ he said. He slid his finger into a cunningly hidden

ring and lifted a trapdoor.

―How do you know about them?‖ SpikeFeather asked, craning his neck to look into the

square of darkness.

―I found them,‖ WingRidge said, and looked up, grinning. ―At least Caelum and I did. I

was about twenty, and Caelum ten. Axis and Azhure often set me to be Caelum‘s companion, to

keep an eye on him. One day we were working at strengthening our hearts by running up and

down the grand staircase, counting each step as we did, when Caelum realised that there were

more steps between the floor the map room is on and the one below it than between any other

level in Spiredore—and yet the chambers on each floor are no higher. We realised there must be

a space below the floor of the map room. So, while Axis and Azhure were still out riding the hills, we investigated the floor of this room. I was the lucky one to find the hidden catch.‖

WingRidge‘s grin widened. ―Caelum was disgusted that I‘d found it and not he.

Whatever, we set to investigating.‖ He took a lamp that one of his Guard‘s handed him, and

stepped down onto a narrow wooden ladder. ―We thought to find treasures and secrets, but only

found yet more maps.‖

He stepped swiftly down the ladder, his voice now muffled. ―Who knows? Perhaps there

are secrets and treasures down here yet.‖

SpikeFeather also took the lamp proffered him, and climbed down after WingRidge. He

found himself in a room the same size as the map room above, but without any of the windows,

and with a low ceiling only a handspan above his head.

Chests, bookcases and crates crammed floor and wall spaces, and there was barely room

enough to move between them.

―Where are we going to start?‖ SpikeFeather whispered.

―You take that side, I this one,‖ WingRidge said, and bent down to the box he‘d just


Sighing, SpikeFeather set to his task.

They searched for hours. All through that day, through the night, and into the next

morning. As soon as the search of the map room itself had proved useless, the members of the

Lake Guard went below to help WingRidge and SpikeFeather.

The space became awash with curses, bruised wings, and ancient dust as elbows jostled

and feet tripped over upended cases and piles of discarded maps.

There were maps of the road systems of Tencendor, maps of the ancient castles that had

once dotted the countryside, maps of cattle trails, starling nesting sites and the pattern of gem

mines in Ichtar. There were maps of population densities in a Tencendor of two thousand years

ago, maps showing the location of lace factories, and maps of the shadows the stars threw over

the land during full moon. There were even maps of the gloam mines in far away Escator.

But no maps of the waterways, and no maps with thick, black arrows helpfully pointing

to ―Sanctuary‖.

Finally, towards noon, they crawled out of the space into the map room, brushing dust off

their clothes and wings and out of their hair.

SpikeFeather sneezed and, tired out, sank down into one of the chairs at the table. He

pushed a pile of maps to one side to make room for his elbow and leaned his head in his hand.

―Nothing,‖ he said, his voice emotionless.

WingRidge took the chair next to him. ―Perhaps we will think of something after we have

slept,‖ he said.

―Perhaps,‖ SpikeFeather replied.

For a while both birdmen sat in silence, too tired to speak, too tired to contemplate the

implications of their failure. The members of the Lake Guard who had helped them had either

left, or had sunk down to sit against walls, their eyes closed, their skin ashen with exhaustion.

SpikeFeather finally stirred. ―At the very least we should think about what to do to

protect the people here against the Demons.‖

WingRidge grimaced. ―Yes. I suppose you‘re right. I‘ll set the guard to shifting them into

the Urqhart Hills…perhaps the mines will shelter them until the Demons have gone.‖

―How are you going to tell Drago you couldn‘t find Sanctuary?‖

WingRidge laughed humourlessly. ―What do you mean, how am I going to tell Drago?‖

He sighed and sat up straight, shuffling maps haphazardly across the table. There were

several that they‘d brought up from the vaults to study.

―Look at this ancient network of castles around Tencendor,‖ he said idly. ―It is a shame

most of these are no longer here. They might have proved useful.‖

SpikeFeather rested his eyes on the map. He was too tired to think. Maybe WingRidge

was right. Maybe they would think of something after they‘d slept a few hours.

Then his whole body jerked. ―WingRidge!‖


SpikeFeather‘s eyes were fixed on the map of the ancient castle systems in front of them.

―Gods, WingRidge—why didn‘t we see that!‖

― What? ‖

About the room, birdmen and women were stirring from their lethargy, their eyes


―Look!‖ SpikeFeather jabbed his finger at Fernbrake Lake. ―What do you see?‖

WingRidge shrugged. ―There‘s a castle on its edges. Gone now. Like three dozen more

such castles that have disappeared from the ancient landscape.‖

―No, no! It‘s not a ‗castle‘…it‘s a Keep.‖

WingRidge raised his eyes and stared into SpikeFeather‘s face. ―What are you trying to


SpikeFeather made a gesture of irritation. ―Every one of the other three Lakes have

Keeps associated with them. Highly magical Keeps.‖


―But not Fernbrake Lake. Why not?‖

WingRidge shrugged again. ―I don‘t know. Maybe there was no need—‖

―Yes, there was a need. Every one of the Lakes is supposed to have a Keep! But

Fernbrake‘s has gone.‖

―So where is it?‖

SpikeFeather hesitated, trying to think it through, trying to find out what was wrong with

his idea. But there was nothing. It was perfect.

―It‘s sunk,‖ he said.

WingRidge stared at him, then quickly glanced at the others present before he looked

back at SpikeFeather. ― Sunk? ‖

SpikeFeather nodded. ―Sunk.‖ His finger tapped the map. ―The waterways under

Fernbrake Lake hold the Sanctuary, my friend, and the lost castle is the key. Perhaps even is

Sanctuary. Now all we have to do is find it.‖

WingRidge leaned forward and laid his hand gently on SpikeFeather‘s arm. ―Are you

sure your weariness has not addled your wits, my friend?‖


The Mountain Trails

Still in shock, Azhure helped Caelum and Axis to rise. She was trembling badly, and as

she gripped both men‘s hands, she realised they were, too.

Azhure opened her mouth to ask if they were all right, but thought better of it. She

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