Pilgrim by Sara Douglas


―Do you not sing the Flight Song to your children as they lay nesting in their shells?‖

―Flight Song…?‖

The sparrow spat in disgust. ―Listen…‖ And he trilled a simple song, paused, then trilled

it again. ―Repeat it.‖

His surprise giving way to a small tingle of excitement, CrimsonStar repeated the tune,

stumbling over one or two of the phrases, but correcting himself instantly.

The sparrow laughed. ―You are my son, CrimsonStar. Now go home and lay beside

EverHeart and sing her the Song. Run your hands down her back, rub, probe, encourage, and

soon she shall have movement again. Soon she will soar free from her prison-bed and let the sky

ring with her laughter. Teach her the Song, and let her minister to you as well. And when she

swells with your child, then place your hands on her belly and sing to the child what I have

taught you. It is my gift to my children, CrimsonStar.‖


―Do not thank me, CrimsonStar. Not until after the pain has faded, for you are both late in

age to spread your wings. Besides, for the knowledge I have imparted and the gift I have given I

must curse you.‖

CrimsonStar waited, sure the curse would match the gift.

―Oh, it will, it will, CrimsonStar. Listen to me now. You and EverHeart will be the first

among the Icarii to spread your wings and fly into the heavens. But for this there is a price. I

name your family SunSoar, a regal name, for your feathered backs must bear the burden of the

sins of the Icarii. Wait…there is more. As you and EverHeart can consider no other love save

that you bear for the other, so no SunSoar will love beyond the SunSoar blood. Never will you

and yours find happiness save in each other‘s arms. Do you understand?‖

CrimsonStar nodded soberly, considering the implications.

―Then go down to your wife, CrimsonStar. And then to your people…and tell them the

heavens wait.‖

The fire had died down, and Drago‘s face was lost in shadow.

―StarDrifter told me that,‖ he repeated, ―and he also told me that somehow the story must

have been corrupted by the Seneschal, for how could the proud Icarii be born of a sparrow?‖

Faraday managed a small smile. Poor StarDrifter. No doubt he preferred to think that the

Icarii race was fathered by one of the stars themselves, falling down the ladder of the Star Dance

to impregnate the Enchantress.

―It is no myth, but truth,‖ said Urbeth quietly, her eyes fixed on some distant point in the

roof beams. ―For I am she who lay with the sparrow, and I am she who mothered the three


As Drago and Faraday stared at her, Faraday motionless with shock and Drago silent with

understanding, Urbeth—the Enchantress—rolled over on her belly and bared her teeth at them.

―Noah sent you to me to learn, Drago, and there is a lesson in what you have just related.

Shall we speak of it?‖


The Sunken Keep

Zenith sat at the table and tried not to listen to the conversation. StarDrifter and

EvenSong were chatting happily about their long-gone life in Talon Spike. All Zenith could

think of was that EvenSong was her aunt…and how could she sleep with her aunt‘s father?

Zenith suppressed a grimace. She was becoming obsessed with guilt, and yet all she and

StarDrifter had ever done was share a kiss or two!

Zenith looked at the table, trying to find something else to think about. The table held the

most splendid platter-ware—the richest crimson-gilded Corolean manufacture—but it sat

horribly bare. That noon they‘d lunched on dried biscuits and a single apple apiece.

The only thing they had in abundance was wine. The cellars of the palace had always

been well-stocked, and whether it was the accessibility or the peace of mind it gave Zenith did

not know, but over the past few weeks she had begun to avail herself of it a little too freely.

She had not been able to resolve anything regarding StarDrifter. He remained warm,

loving and patient. She wanted desperately to please him, to thank him for his belief in her, and

had come to the conclusion that if she was unable to bring herself to sleep with him, it was

nothing but her fault. There was no reason to feel such repulsion…was there?

Perhaps RiverStar had been right to taunt her. Maybe she should have taken lovers well

before this. Maybe she was nothing but a prim bitch with a hall as cold as any in this complex.

Why was she such a prude?

She crumpled a napkin in one hand, and felt like screaming. All Zenith wanted to do was

escape…escape from this chill-chambered prison, and from her own confusion and guilt. In the

next instant, escape was handed her.

StarFever bustled in the door, and behind him came WingRidge CurlClaw, Captain of the

Lake Guard, with SpikeFeather TrueSong at his side.

StarDrifter gaped at them an instant before he remembered that Drago had sent them off

to find Sanctuary. He stood and took a step in their direction. ―Have you…?‖

―Well,‖ WingRidge said, one eyebrow raised in amusement, ―SpikeFeather thinks he

knows where it is.‖

―But we need your help,‖ SpikeFeather said.

Both birdmen remembered their manners as they caught sight of FreeFall, and they

bowed low, sweeping their wings behind them.

―StarDrifter has spoken of this Sanctuary,‖ FreeFall said as he rose and walked slowly

over to WingRidge. ―He has also said that you trust implicitly in Drago. Is this correct?‖

―Talon FreeFall,‖ WingRidge said, holding the birdman‘s eyes. ―If I say that I believe in

Drago, then what I mean is that the Lake Guard believes Drago…and trusts Drago.‖

FreeFall stilled, his back very straight. He knew as well as any other that the Lake Guard

dedicated their lives in service to StarSon. ―And so now you aid Drago,‖ he asked. ―You do as he


―I can do nothing else,‖ WingRidge said. ―The Guard can do nothing else.‖

FreeFall rocked slightly on his feet as the implications of what WingRidge said sank in.

The Lake Guard acknowledged Drago as StarSon.

He looked at EvenSong, their love and many years of closeness allowing them to know

what the other was thinking, even if they had never had the benefit of enchantments with which

to share thoughts.

FreeFall breathed deeply, trying to accept it, but finding it hard. Why had no-one told him

before now?

―The Icarii starve in this cold-halled hell,‖ he said to WingRidge, and walked back to his

place at the table. For the moment he did not want to think about accepting Drago as StarSon.

―And the Avar can hardly feed themselves, let alone us. Every day we are inundated with more

refugees from the plains to the west. StarDrifter could tell me little about this Sanctuary…can

you add to that meagreness?‖

FreeFall sat and indicated two stools, and the two birdmen took them, tucking their wings

neatly against their backs. Briefly SpikeFeather spoke about what they knew of Sanctuary. It was

not much.

―Drago knew nothing of it himself,‖ SpikeFeather said, ―save that it exists and that it is

within the Underworld. He tasked WingRidge and myself with the burden of looking for it.‖

―And of course,‖ WingRidge said, managing to combine both sarcasm and affection into

his tone, ―despite all SpikeFeather‘s knowledge gained from the Ferryman, he could not cast a

gleam of light upon this mysterious Sanctuary.‖

―Nevertheless,‖ SpikeFeather said firmly, throwing the captain of the Lake Guard an

irritated glance, ―I now know where it must be.‖

He told his four listeners of his and WingRidge‘s hunt through the ancient maps of


―And you found evidence of Sanctuary?‖ Zenith said. For the first time in weeks she felt

a surge of optimism…and sheer relief in being given something else to think of other than her

problematical relationship with StarDrifter.

―Not quite,‖ WingRidge said, his eyes firmly on SpikeFeather.

―What we found,‖ SpikeFeather continued, ―was an ancient map of Tencendor that

showed the Sacred Lakes and their accompanying Keeps. All four Lakes, and all four Keeps.‖

―But…‖ EvenSong said and shared a glance with her husband, father and Zenith.

―Quite,‖ SpikeFeather said with evident satisfaction. ―Now there are only three Lakes

with Keeps, or Towers. Where is Fernbrake Lake‘s Keep? It was there on the ancient map, but

now? Gone.‖

He grinned and waved his hands about as if his discovery had magically solved

Tencendor‘s every last problem.

―My friend does tend to be slightly over-enthusiastic on what can only be sheer

supposition,‖ WingRidge said.

―But surely he has a point, otherwise you would not be here with him,‖ Zenith said.

―Zenith is right,‖ StarDrifter said slowly. ―Tell me, have you searched for this lost Keep

in the waterways?‖

SpikeFeather nodded. ―Of course—but we found nothing. Besides…would not the

Charonites have found something before now if it were in easy view?‖

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